Solar energy in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is always known for sunny weather, but in this region, solar energy power plants were small-scale operations. Now, thanks to new technology two coastal countries, Morocco and Israel are embracing solar energy on a large scale.

Construction crews in the Negev Desert of Israel are putting large mirrors that will cover an area of ​​1 million square meters, to reflect sunlight into a high tower:

"Here you see the construction of a large plant with solar energy that will contain 50 thousand mirrors that will reflect the sun," says a company Noam Megalim Nizami.

Most generators that produce small amounts of energy from the sun are based on photovoltaic technology that converts sunlight into electricity.

But big plants have more profitable to use concentrated solar energy to produce steam, which propels huge generators that produce electricity.

These mirrors automatically follow the position of the sun on the horizon.

"We have advanced control counters through towers that communicate with Wi-Fi. Also use of the art technology for energy from steam, "says Eran Gartner Megalim company.

When completed construction of the plant next year he will produce enough energy to supply 120 thousand flats.

Meanwhile, in Morocco, in the south of the Atlas Mountains came into operation the first phase of a similar plant.

Instead of direct sunlight to a tower, large mirrors on plant salt solution Noor heats up to 400 degrees Celsius. The solution, which passes through the welded tubes with mirrors, you can keep the temperature up to three hours after sunset.

When you complete all three phases of construction in 2018, the plant will produce 500 megawatts of power that can meet the needs of 1.1 million Moroccans.

Officials in both countries point out that plants are built in areas not affecting the movement path of migratory birds.0A9E17A1-3813-4283-85A0-4DCC812EED2D_w300_r1_s

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