autonomous cars


American automobile manufacturers sold more cars last year than ever before. US cars already consume less fuel and diverse electronic equipment. Manufacturing firms say that today's drivers will be within a decade and a half cars fully autonomous and self-man- aging, making it safer and easier to operate the machine.

In 2004, the US military research agency, DARPA, challenged engineers vehicle to try to build a self-directed. Although it was a straight piece of road without obstacles and without traffic, no cars can not go to the end.

Twelve years later, technology has advanced so much that manufacturers are testing it in real street traffic, aiming to make it absolutely safe for passengers and pedestrians.

"We thought that since we are able to build a machine that vetëdrejtohet, then why not do even safer. To me, safety has always been a priority, "said James McBride, the company Ford.

The company "Google" accepts that its experimental cars tive self had difficult moments, but also notes that the first incidents happened every 1300 kilometers in 2014, while 8500 years occurred in every kilometer.

In addition to the security aspect, manufacturers must also ensure that customers will abandon the helm.

"We will not progress very quickly because customers can be caught by surprise. There is a learning process. "

Driving simulators can help people to adapt to not have control of the car. Using virtual reality goggles, drivers can experience the feeling of staying passive driving.

Many cars already have sensors that were developed after DARPA's challenge such as Laser distance sensors, video cameras, alarms signaling to change lanes etc.

Scientists say that the cars of the future will communicate with the world around them, such as mobiles pedestrian.

"I'll watch where you are walking pedestrian, and will stop if the pedestrian comes before the car."

Experts say tive self cars at affordable price would be available to customers within 4-5 years.

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