Get your first year free

Get your first year free

Registering a domain is a big decision - but getting your domain free for a full year should make the choice a little easier.
If you've never registered a .coop domain before and you are eligible for a .coop domain, we're giving you the first year free.
Register your free domain today
Click here to access the free .coop registration form *

Complete the form in full

Click 'Submit Application' at the bottom of the page.

What happens after your free year?
Even after you've enjoyed your first year free you can continue to save in the following year! When you're ready to renew, contact us first to ask us for a discounted renewal fee. (Please note that the renewal discount, as part of the First Year Free offer, is at the discretion of your local regional partner)
If you already have a .coop domain, contact us to find out about our referral program for our
loyal customers.

* If you applied for and received a CVC code from the dotCoop registry, please use this form to
register your domain name.

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