By FOX News Magazine

| February 2, 2016

New mom Haylie Duff has a lot on her plate — which is probably why she's so keen to share it.

As a popular cookbook author, food blogger and celebrity chef, Haylie is well aware of the struggles many Americans face when it comes to feeding their kids — not only financially, but also in terms of finding sustainable, nutritious options for the whole family. But Duff isn't merely aware of these struggles; she's partnering withLärabar founder Lara Merriken to actually do something about it.


"When I met Lara … I was really inspired by her," says Duff in her exclusive interview with FNM. "She cares a lot about what goes into her bars, so when she asked me to be part of this partnership with Feeding America, I was honored and excited to work with somebody like her, who shares a passion for food the way that I do."

Together, Duff and Merriken have taken to social media campaign to spread awareness of their cause, and Duff has even taken to the streets during Winter Storm Jonas to actually help provide meals to NYC's hungry inhabitants.


Another reason Haylie is so motivated to create a better community? Her newborn daughter Ryan:

"She is the most special thing in the whole world. It is hard, and crazy, and nerve-racking, but it is also the deepest, most insane love ever. She's taught me so much about myself. She's taught me about how strong I can be, at times. And she also has made me think of the world differently. All of a sudden, [I] care more about people, and what kind of impact I make on the world, and what I'm going to leave behind for her."

"Kids tend to make you think all of those wonderful thoughts," she adds.

For more from Duff, including her quick tips on helping to fight hunger, be sure to watch her exclusive interview above