How To Set Up A Dot Tk Domain In Blogger?

How To Set Up A Dot Tk Domain In Blogger?

Do you want some uniqueness In you blog without investing or want to some in change long domain name like and want to set up a free domain like .tk, .ml, .ga and .cf domains, then I am going to help you to set-up a free custom .tk, .ml domains in blogger or blogspot. The .tk, or .ml domain name not only make your site url short but it made a good impression to your visitor. Setting a .tk, or .ml domain is same and very easy as setting a high level domain such as .com, .net, .in etc. To set up .tk or .ml domain you need to purchase a domain, in our case we will use free domain .tk.

Note>> .tk domain is not free for life time instead it is free for maximum 12 month, after 12 months you have to pay for it. But no problem, 12 months are enough. In this tutorial i am using to get a .tk domain because it has a bulk of free domain such as .tk, .ml, .gq and more, you can also use other sites.
Also read : How to make money by selling expired domain?


How To Get A Free .Tk Domain

Step1: First go, enter your desire domain name or site url and click on “Search” button. You will get a bulk of result with some paid and some free domains.

Note : while setting up a free domain .tk domain, never use your own name as domain name. Many newbie use their name for domain name like, Use some standard name, which can further use as a brand name.

Step2: Now click on your desired free Domain such as .tk or .ml then click on checkout, it will take you to registration page, set registration length to 12 months and click to continue. If you desired domain not available, then try any other domain name.

Step3: Now here you have to create an account and verify your account by email. Check your email, and click on verify your account. If you are already a member of freenom simply login.

Step 4: Now fill up a small form and click on complete order. Congratulation you have got your own free Domain for your blogger, now time to Setup custom domain in Blogger/blogspot.

Setup To Set Up A .Tk Domain

Step 1: Go to Blogger Settings>> basic and click on edit url. Now click on Set up a third-party URL for your blog.

Step 2: Then enter your .tk domain, with www in the like If you don't add www, before your domain, naked domain error will be generated.

Step 3: Now click on save button, you get an Error. Don't worry, that's what we require. You find there are two CNAME like below picture. Remember don't close this Page.

Step 4: In next tab open your freenom account and go to My Domain. It can be found at Client Area Link >> Domain Panel >> “My Domain”.

Step 5: Then click on “Manage Domain”, then click one Manage DNS.

Let me explain what you need to do here. You are going to create Two CNAME records and Four “A records”, there are total six records. Now below step will explain you how you fill them.

Step 7: Create a record of type “CNAME Record”, and write “www” in Name and “” in Target. Leave TTL to 14440.

Step 8: Now click on “More Records” and create one another record of type CNAME and then write Host Name and Target that you got in error.

Step 9: OK you have added your two CNAME records successfully. Now time to add "A Record". Click on + More Records, select “A Record” from type and leave name to blank and change TTL to 300. Set "Target" to

Similarly create three more “A records” of Target to,, and respectively. Final result will look like this.

Step 10: Now save all these records. Then just wait 2-3 mints and then go to your blogger account and now again add your site url like and click on “Save”. This time your domain name will be save without any error.

Thus you have setup a dot tk domain in blogger. Using above step as you set .tk domain, you can set any domain like .com, .ml, .net etc.

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