fonts (screenshots)
fonts (text list)
dingbats (dingbats, wingdings, webdings & bullets)
I've found that everytime I need to start a design project, it helps to have a list of fonts in front of me so I don't have to try various ones (very time-consuming!). I made a list of the fonts on my desktop and what they look like. I'm posting this online in the hopes of helping others. I'm also including my favorite links.
New! Download a PDF of various fonts (1.6MB). There are some additional fonts on this PDF that are not listed below.
Font links:
- What the font? I love this site. If you can't figure out what a font is, upload a screenshot and it will walk you through a process of figuring it out. AND most importantly, it actually works.
- FREE fonts
- Font Craft has nice fonts, borders & frames - many medieval and Celtic styles, Renaissance, Wild West, Fantasy, or Psychedelic theme? David Nalle, founder and designer, adapted fonts from historical source material. He got an early start in calligraphy, studying old manuscripts as a child and duplicating the lettering he liked.
- The dingbat pages even have a cartoon selection including Snoopy and Bart Simson
- Shareware fonts
- Free TTF fonts
- A list of Telegraph fonts including two free downloadable ones
- Math & physics symbols as GIFs
- Larabie Fonts site
- If you're looking for non-English fonts, check out Fonts in Cyberspace, which offers more than 408 sources for 126 languages
- Adobe has a huge font collection
- More font links
Fonts, what they look like:
[return to top]
Text List of Fonts Above:(searchable)[return to top]
Abadi MT Condensed Light Albertus Extra Bold Albertus Medium Antique Olive Arial Arial Black Arial MT Arial Narrow Bazooka Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Boulder Calisto MT Calligrapher Century Gothic Century Schoolbook Cezanne CG Omega CG Times Charlesworth Chaucer Clarendon Condensed Comic Sans MS Copperplate Gothic Bold Copperplate Gothic Light Cornerstone Coronet Courier Courier New Cuckoo Dauphin Denmark Fransiscan Garamond Geneva Haettenschweiler Heather Helvetica Herald Impact Jester Letter Gothic Lithograph Lithograph Light Long Island Lucida Console Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Lucida Sans Unicode Marigold Market Matisse ITC MS LineDraw News GothicMT OCR A Extended Old Century Pegasus Pickwick Poster Pythagoras Sceptre Sherwood Signboard Socket Steamer Storybook Subway Tahoma Technical Teletype Tempus Sans ITC Times Times New Roman Times New Roman PS Trebuchet MS Tristan Tubular Unicorn Univers Univers Condensed Vagabond Verdana Westminster | Allegro Amazone BT AmerType Md BT Arrus BT Aurora Cn BT AvantGarde Bk BT AvantGarde Md BT BankGothic Md BT Benguiat Bk BT BernhardFashion BT BernhardMod BT BinnerD Bremen Bd BT CaslonOpnface BT Charter Bd BT Charter BT ChelthmITC Bk BT CloisterBlack BT CopperplGoth Bd BT English 111 Vivace BT EngraversGothic BT Exotc350 Bd BT Freefrm721 Blk BT FrnkGothITC Bk BT Futura Bk BT Futura Lt BT Futura Md BT Futura ZBlk BT FuturaBlack BT Galliard BT Geometr231 BT Geometr231 Hv BT Geometr231 Lt BT GeoSlab 703 Lt BT GeoSlab 703 XBd BT GoudyHandtooled BT GoudyOLSt BT Humanst521 BT Humanst 521 Cn BT Humanst521 Lt BT Incised901 Bd BT Incised901 BT Incised901 Lt BT Informal011 BT Kabel Bk BT Kabel Ult BT Kaufmann Bd BT Kaufmann BT Korinna BT Lydian BT Monotype Corsiva NewsGoth BT Onyx BT OzHandicraft BT PosterBodoni BT PTBarnum BT Ribbon131 Bd BT Serifa BT Serifa Th BT ShelleyVolante BT Souvenir Lt BT Staccato222 BT Swis721 BlkEx BT Swiss911 XCm BT TypoUpright BT ZapfEllipt BT ZapfHumnst BT ZapfHumnst Dm BT Zurich BlkEx BT Zurich Ex BT |
Dingbats, Webdings, Wingdings, and Common Bullets [return to top]
Capital letters as dingbats, etc. | Lowercase letters as dingbats |
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