Feedburner feed url to your own subdomain

Feedburner feed url to your own subdomain

Most of the Bloggers will be usingfeedburner for blog feed to make their site reader easy to receive content updates in NetNewsWire, Newsgator, Bloglines and other news readers.

The feed URL generated for blog/site will be usuallyhttp://feeds.feedburner.com/VrcWorks.

Looking at these link your site readers can easily identify your are using some third-party service to serve your blog feed.
In this article I am going to guide you how to change feedburner feed URL to your own custom sub-domain likehttp://feeds.vrcworks.net/VrcWorks.
After changing your blog feed you will also able to access your feedburner dashboard from your custom sub-domain feed, usingfeeds.vrcworks.net.
To customise your site feed URL, follow the steps below.
1. Login to your feedburnerdashboard and click on My Account at the top right side.

2. Choose MyBrand which will be at the left sidebar.

choose MYBRAND on left sidebar.

3. If you want to host your feeds at the feeds subdomain (the most common choice, like feeds.domainname.com), your CNAME entry should point to the value given by feedburner at your site DNS record. it should look likexxxxxx.feedproxy.ghs.google.com.
4. Scroll to the step 2 and enter the CNAME created subdomain and click on save.
enter your feed-specific domain namers


Note: It might take up to 24 hours for a new CNAME entry in the DNS record to take the effect.

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