EU referendum: Boris Johnson and Michael Gove prepare 'dream team' to lead a Brexit governme

Live EU referendum: Boris Johnson and Michael Gove prepare 'dream team' to lead a Brexit government

EU Referendum: How events unfoldedPlay!01:44
Kate McCann, senior political correspondent Laura Hughes, political correspondent David Lawler, washington
24 JUNE 2016 • 11:23PM
Britain votes to leave the European Union
Boris Johnson and Michael Gove plot Brexit Government
Barack Obama stands by 'back of the queue' remark
David Cameron resigns as Prime Minister
Who will be our next Prime Minister?
SNP threaten break-up of the UK ​
What happens now Brexit is a reality
Pound crashes to 1985 low as sterling falls below $1.35
EU referendum full results and live maps
Gaunt, haunted, immobile. Samantha Cameron stands strong

Peter Dominiczak, Christopher Hope and Steven Swinford:

Boris Johnson and Michael Gove are preparing a “dream team” bid to take control of the leadership of the Conservative Party in the wake of the most dramatic week in modern British political history.

David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister yesterday morning after Britain voted to leave the European Union sparking a major political, economic and constitutional crisis.

Within hours of the surprise vote, Mr Cameron had resigned, the Bank of England intervened in the financial markets to prevent a crash and the Scottish government threatened to hold another referendum on splitting from the rest of the United Kingdom.

Boris' tribute to PM: One of the most extraordinary politicians of our agePlay!06:56
In a statesmanlike address from the Vote Leave headquarters, Mr Johnson positioned himself as a Prime Minister in waiting by urging unity in the nation and speaking of the bright future that now awaits an outward-looking Britain.

“I want to speak to the millions of people who did not vote for this outcome especially young people who may feel that this decision in some way involves pulling up the drawbridge or any kind of isolationism. I think the very opposite is true.

“To those who may be anxious at home or abroad this does not mean that that he UK will be in anyway less united nor indeed does it mean that it will be any less European.”

The key results of the EU referendumPlay!01:08
He added: “We cannot turn our backs on Europe. We are part of Europe. Our children and grandchildren will continue to have a wonderful future as Europeans travelling to the continent, understanding the languages and cultures that make up of common European civilisation.”

It is now expected that Mr Johnson will stand as leader, with Mr Gove, the Justice Secretary, becoming the Chancellor in a “Brexit Government”, sources claimed.

George Osborne, the current Chancellor, could work alongside the pair after it emerged that he made overtures towards Mr Johnson, sending an olive branch text message in the early hours of Friday following the shock victory by the Leave campaign.

It came on a day described as the most dramatic in the modern history of British politics. In the space of just six hours the country voted to leave the European Union, Mr Cameron resigned and Jeremy Corbyn was left facing a leadership challenge.

As the financial markets crashed to a 31-year low, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second independence referendum was now “highly likely” and there were calls for a united Ireland after both nations voted to Remain against the prevailing national mood.

David Cameron delivers a speech as his wife Samantha looks on
David Cameron delivers a speech as his wife Samantha looks on CREDIT: XINHUA / BARCROFT IMAGES
After a night of tension which say the Brexit campaign score major victories across middle England and the north, it became clear shortly after dawn that Mr Cameron was going to resign.

At 8.15am he gave a speech in Downing Street flanked by his wife Samantha, who appeared tearful as her husband said it was “in the national interest to have a period of stability and then the new leadership required”.

Sources close to Mr Johnson say he was left “extremely upset” by Mr Cameron’s resignation and “felt personally responsible” as he watched an emotional Mr Cameron tell the nation that he is no longer the right person to be "the captain that steers our country to its next destination".

While Mr Cameron called Mr Gove before making his resignation speech outside Number 10, he pointedly declined to make contact with Mr Johnson, only replying to a text message sent later in the morning by the former London mayor.

Boris' tribute to PM: One of the most extraordinary politicians of our agePlay!06:56
Within minutes of Mr Cameron saying that he wanted a new Tory leader in place by the beginning of October, there was speculation about his potential successor.

Although Mr Johnson is the clear frontrunner, moderates were last night understood to be rallying around Theresa May, the Home Secretary, who backed Remain but was praised by Eurosceptics for keeping relatively silent during the campaign.

As the financial markets collapsed in the minutes after Mr Cameron’s speech, Mark Carney, the Bank of England Governor, said he was prepared to take "all necessary steps" after the FTSE 100 fell by more than 8 per cent - equivalent to £120billion.

The markets calmed after Mr Carney said that he is prepared to inject up to £250billion into the financial system to help steady the economy following the vote to leave the European Union.

Brexit 2016: Scotland wants a second independence referendumPlay!01:34
Eurosceptic ministers yesterday hailed the recovery of the markets as evidence that that the economic warnings of Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne were unfounded.

Meanwhile, Mr Corbyn will face a formal leadership contest within days after two Labour MPs submitted a motion of no confidence and scores more called on him to resign after the country voted for Brexit.

Labour MPs were left furious after his lacklustre campaigning during in the referendum campaign led droves of voters concerned over immigration to back a Brexit.

Meanwhile, the White House said US President Barack Obama stands by his warning that Britain will go to the “the back of the queue” in trade negotiations after leaving the EU. He also said on Friday that the two countries will remain “indispensable partners”.

And the French government said that border controls will remain in place preventing migrant camps moving to the South East of England.

Downing Street had warned during the referendum campaign that a Brexit could lead to migrant camps springing up in Kent if France refused to honour the 13-year-old Le Touquet agreement.

Under the treaty, Britain is allowed to conduct border controls at French rather than UK borders. This means that it checks for migrants stowing away on lorries or trains bound for Britain in Calais, not Dover.

In a statement on Friday, the French Government said the agreement would not be ripped up and would continue to stand.

Auto update
Moody's downgrades UK's credit outlook
Moody's, the credit rating agency, cut Britain's credit rating outlook to "negative" Friday, saying the vote to pull out of the European Union could hurt its economic prospects.

While holding the country's overall rating at a high "Aa1", Moody's said after the Brexit vote that it expects "heightened uncertainty, diminished confidence and lower spending and investment to result in weaker growth."

Sarah Palin compares Brexit to Declaration of Independence
Here's what Sarah Palin had to say about the referendum in a post to Facebook:

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...

The UK knew - it was that time. And now is that time in the USA.

The Brexit referendum is akin to our own Declaration of Independence. May that refreshed spirit of sovereignty spread over the pond to America's shores!

Palin Trump
Former Republican vice presidential candidate, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorses Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a rally at the Iowa State University CREDIT: MARY ALTAFFER/AP
Congratulations, smart Brits. Good on you for ignoring all the fear mongering from special interest globalists who tend to aim for that apocalyptic One World Government that dissolves a nation's self-determination and sovereignty... the EU being a One World Government mini-me.

America can learn an encouraging lesson from this. It is time to dissolve political bands that connect us to agendas not in our best interest. May UN shackles be next on the chopping block.

Barack Obama stands by 'back of the queue remark'
The White House says Mr Obama meant what he said when he advised the UK that it would move to the "back of the queue" on trade deals if it left the EU.

Trump, Clinton bring Brexit into US election battle

Here was Mrs Clinton's take from earlier today:

All US financial regulators hold phone meeting to discuss Brexit fallout
The heads of all the US financial regulatory agencies will hold a meeting by phone on Friday to discuss the vote by Britain to leave the European Union, according to a notice from the Treasury Department.

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will preside over the discussion of the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which was created in response to the 2007-09 financial crisis and which also includes the heads of the Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commision and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Here's Mr Lew's statement from earlier today about the referendum:

Trump draws parallels between Brexit and his campaign
In a fundraising email sent this evening, the Trump campaign has drawn a direct link between the result of the referendum and his desired result in November's general election.

Brexit has sent the markets tumbling downward, but Mr Trump hopes it will send his fundraising totals in the opposite direction.

Pentagon: Brexit won't affect Nato
The Pentagon is confident that defense ties with Britain will continue and U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter spoke with his counterpart by phone after Britain voted to leave the European Union, a Pentagon spokesman said on Friday.

Speaking with reporters, Peter Cook said the United States was confident that Britain would remain a strong ally in NATO, which "will continue to perform its very important function."

Germans to foot much of the bill for Brexit
James Rothwell reports:

Germany’s contribution to the EU’s annual budget could rise by more than £2 billion when Britain leaves, the country’s finance ministry has said.

According to Die Welt newspaper, the finance ministry's "strategy paper" said it may have to cover the cost of Britain's exit by handing over an extra 3 billion euros (£2.4 billion) each year.

The document also recommended that Germany offered Britain "constructive exit negotiations" aimed at making the UK an "associated partner country."

Germany is already the EU's biggest budget contributor - its net contribution in 2013 came to more than 16 billion euros (£12 billion).

And before voting to leave, the United Kingdom was the second most generous EU contributor, with a net offering of £10 billion.

That could at least partially explain this tweet:

"They look forward to seeing each other..."
Barack Obama and David Cameron have overlapped as president and Prime Minister for six years. Just months remain of that partnership, with Mr Cameron succumbing to a defeat Mr Obama travelled to the UK to try and prevent.

One would think they would have plenty to say to each other today, though this readout from Downing Street gives the impression of a rather brief conversation.

A message from France...
Here's the front page of tomorrow's Libération newspaper:

Politicians on David Cameron, Brexit and his legacy as Prime Minister

Obama praises "outstanding friend" David Cameron, says Brexit raises questions about globalistation
Nick Allen in Washington writes:

President Barack Obama said he had spoken with David Cameron by phone and called him an "outstanding friend".

Mr Obama was speaking at a global entrepreneurship summit at Stanford University.

He said: "Just a few hours ago I spoke with Prime Minister David Cameron. David has been an outstanding friend and partner on the global stage. "Based on our conversation I am confident the UK is committed to an orderly transition out of the EU.

"We agreed that out economic and financial teams will remain in close contact as we stay focused on ensuring economic growth and financial stability." Mr Obama said he then spoke to Angela Merkel.

He added: "I do thing the vote yesterday speaks to to the ongoing changes and challenges that are raised by globalisation. "While the UK's relations with the EU will change, one thing that will not change is the special relationship between our two nations. That will endure. "The EU will remain one of our indispensable security partners.Our Nato alliance will remain a cornerstone of global security."

Leave voters by age

Migrant camps will not move to the UK after Brexit, admits France
Migrant camps will not move to the South East of England now that Britain has voted to leave the European Union, the French Government has said.

Downing Street had warned during the referendum campaign that a Brexit could lead to migrant camps springing up in Kent if France refused to honour a 13 year old agreement.

Under the Le Touquet treaty agreed in 2003 between the UK and France, Britain is allowed to conduct border controls at French rather than UK borders.

This means that it checks for migrants stowing away on lorries or trains bound for Britain in Calais, not Dover.

In a statement on Friday, the French Government said the agreement would not be ripped up and would continue to stand.

This means that the camps, such as the notorious "jungle" which was dismantled in March, will continue to be sited near Calais.

Report from Christopher Hope

A migrant walks past tents in the "Jungle"
A migrant walks past tents in the "Jungle" CREDIT: AFP/PHILIPPE HUGUEN

Corbyn rejects no confidence vote
Jeremy Corbyn has told Channel 4 News he has no plans on resigning.

He said: “No, I’m carrying on. I’m making the case for unity, I’m making the case of what Labour can offer to Britain, of decent housing for people, of good secure jobs for people, of trade with Europe and of course with other parts of the world. Because if we don’t get the trade issue right we’ve got a real problem in this country.

Asked if he will call for a General Election, he says: “I think the issue will come up after the election of the new Tory leader. They may well decide to call an election.

"What the British people need now is stability. Stability to retain their jobs, stability to protect those working conditions, and we need a plan from this government now on how they’re going to approach the negotiations for leaving the European Union before they invoke Article 50.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn
Questioned on the vote of no confidence in his leadership, he says: "Margaret is obviously entitled to do what she wishes to do. I would ask her to think for a moment, a Tory prime minister resigned, Britain’s voted to leave the European Union, there are massive political issues to be addressed, is it really a good idea to start a big debate in the Labour Party when I was elected less than a year ago with a very large mandate not from MPs, I fully concede and understand that, but from the party members as a whole.”

Asked if he wants to be Prime Minister, he replies: “Of course I want to lead this party. Of course I want to lead this party in order to put forward an alternative and lead this party to win the election as soon as it comes.”

The EU referendum by numbersThe key results of the EU referendumPlay!01:08
What leaving the EU means for your personal finances
What leaving the EU means for your personal finances How exactly a Brexit will affect your personal finances is impossible to accurately predict just yet, but Consumer Affairs Editor Katie Morley provides a breakdown of the way things appear to be heading at this early stage.

What leaving the EU means for your personal financesWhat leaving the EU means for your personal financesPlay!01:19
What leaving the EU could cost travellers The Brexiteers have won. We are leaving the EU. Will those much derided warnings of so-called Project Fear prove justified, or will the arguments for Brexit be vindicated?

It’s a huge question; one which will affect us all - no more so than in the world of travel. So what impact can we expect on our holidays? The Telegraph's Head of Travel Charles Starmer-Smith is here to tell us.

How leaving the EU could affect travellersHow leaving the EU could affect travellersPlay!01:09
IDS: 'We shouldn't waste time'
Britain is not running away from the EU after voters backed Brexit, Iain Duncan Smith has insisted, as he called for swift progress on a new agreement.

The former Conservative leader said the UK "shouldn't waste time" in sorting a deal with the other 27 EU member states, adding this work should begin before the Tory Party leadership contest.

Mr Duncan Smith also said he regretted David Cameron's decision to quit as Prime Minister, although he urged his party's MPs to focus on helping to stabilise the country.

Iain Duncan Smith
The leading Vote Leave campaigner, who resigned as work and pensions secretary in a row over planned disability benefit cuts, said there was a "very different tone" among the EU countries following the Leave result.

The Tory MP told the Press Association: "They want to get sorted, they want to do a deal and I agree with them - that's why we shouldn't waste time.

"We should get on with it now and we can come up with a very good deal with them and it'll stabilise everything.

"We'll have a relationship with them - we're not running away - it will just be a better relationship."

What could happen in the event of Brexit?UK votes Brexit: what happens next?Play!01:32
Addressing Mr Cameron's future, Mr Duncan Smith said: "I'm sorry that he has stepped down. I think he's been a good Prime Minister and I regret his decision but I understand why he's done it.

"Our job now is to make sure that we get the process that the public voted for under way and settled.

"He's now said there will be a leadership election, but I'd like to get on with that even before the leadership election so we'll be discussing all of that over the next few days."

Mr Duncan Smith refused to be drawn on the leadership prospects of fellow Brexit supporters Michael Gove and Boris Johnson, with a decision expected by October.

David Cameron resigns
David Cameron resigns
He said: "I'm not even focusing on the candidates. I've no idea who is going to stand or why they want to stand but I know I just want to get this process (with the EU member states) sorted and under way, which is the most important thing to me.

"The leadership stuff is secondary, frankly."

Asked about how he will celebrate the referendum result, Mr Duncan Smith said of his plans: "Not very much - I'd like to go and have a sleep actually to be quite frank with you.

"I haven't slept for two days."

Report from PA

Momentum launch petition to save Corbyn

'Bad result for Scotland'
Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale described the Brexit victory as a "bad result for jobs and for the economy in Scotland and the UK".

Ms Dugdale said: "We both have profound disagreements about the constitutional future of Scotland but I stand ready to work with her in the best interests of the people of Scotland.

"Now is the time for calm heads. Labour's manifesto ruled out a second referendum in the lifetime of this Parliament - we won't be changing our minds any time soon.

"However, on the question of independence, many of the fundamental questions that were unresolved and unanswered in 2014, remain so. Not least the question of currency.

"What we don't need today is more turmoil, more upheaval and more economic chaos."

Kezia Dugdale
Donald Trump praises 'beautiful' Brexit
Donald Trump has described the Brexit vote as a “beautiful, beautiful thing” as he praised Boris Johnson for reading the public mood better than David Cameron and promised there would be “zero” impact on the special relationship if he becomes US president.

Speaking on a visit to Scotland, the presumptive Republican candidate said the British people had “taken back their independence” and predicted the end of the EU could be “on its way” with other member states fed up with immigrants flowing across “Swiss cheese” borders.

He also said there was a “big parallel” with the political mood in the US and elsewhere in the world, including Germany, arguing that people want to “take their borders back” and “have their country again.”

Read the full story here

US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump
US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump CREDIT: EPA/NIGEL RODDIS
Backbenchers support 'no confidence motion'
Other backbenchers indicated they were ready to support the no confidence motion.

Helen Goodman told the Press Association the party needed "hard-headed leadership" not "woolly fantasising".

Graham Jones said: "I want a damn good explanation from Jeremy Corbyn as to why we ended up in this mess. If I am not satisfied, I will support the motion."

Helen Goodman MP
Helen Goodman MP CREDIT: REX
Stephen Kinnock, another prominent Remain supporter, is also thought to be prepared to vote for the motion.

However shadow chancellor John McDonnell, one of Mr Corbyn's closest allies, warned the Labour leader had "overwhelming support" among grassroots activists.

Britain's opposition Labour Party Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell
Britain's opposition Labour Party Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell CREDIT: REUTERS/STEFAN WERMUTH
"I think the members of the Parliamentary Labour Party, once they consult their members back in their constituencies, will take the same view," he told the Press Association.

He said the party needed to "gear up" for a possible snap election and that he was "disappointed" at Dame Margaret's intervention.

"I thought she'd have been more concerned about the state of the economy than party discussions," he said.

Major: History will judge Cameron well
Former Tory prime minister Sir John Major has heaped praise on David Cameron for rescuing the economy and championing marriage equality.

Describing the Prime Minister's decision to stay in Downing Street for another three months as "statesmanlike", Sir John insisted history would judge him well.

"I think it's very sad that David has decided he has to go. I think he made the right decision. I think he had no choice," Sir John told the BBC.

Sir John Major and Tony Blair speak as they walk across the Peace Bridge
Sir John Major and Tony Blair speak as they walk across the Peace Bridge CREDIT: JEFF J MITCHELL/GETTY IMAGES
"I think when people look back on his premiership they will see quite a few things.

"Upon the day he became Prime Minister our economy was on the precipice, our banks were very close to collapse, and the forecast was dire.

"We now have one of the strongest economies, our banks are much better prepared now than ever before to face any of the difficulties that will lie ahead, and I think that is very much to David Cameron's credit," the ex-PM said.

Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), makes a statement after Britain voted to leave the European Union
Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), makes a statement after Britain voted to leave the European Union CREDIT: REUTERS/TOBY MELVILLE
Sir John singled out Mr Cameron's push to bring in marriage equality for gays and lesbians as a major change for the country.

He added: "And I think his social agenda too has been very progressive. Many people didn't like it, but there were many others who felt life was very harsh about their personal preferences, who will look back and say he brought a breath of fresh air and freedom to our lives that we hadn't had before.

"I think that is a very remarkable record, and I think he'll be remembered for it."

Report from PA

Petition for second EU referendum attracts thousands of signatures
A petition calling for a second EU referendum has been launched - and is proving so popular the page keeps crashing.

The page, set up by William Oliver Healey, reads: "We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum."

Originally launched last November, at 10am today it had more than 77,000 rising to 114,000 by 1pm – 14,000 more than the limit required for it to be considered for debate in Parliament.

The high number of visitors to the site caused the site to crash, with several users complaining on social media that they were unable to access the site.

Read the full story here

Petition for second EU referendum attracts thousands of signatures
Petition for second EU referendum attracts thousands of signatures
Unions move to snuff out Jeremy Corbyn leadership coup attempt
Union leaders have moved to snuff out the leadership coup against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

A statement from 12 unions - including the party's biggest financial supporters Unite, Unison and GMB - said that "the last thing Labour needs is a manufactured leadership row of its own in the midst of this crisis".

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn
The full statement says:"The Prime Minister’s resignation has triggered a Tory leadership crisis. At the very time we need politicians to come together for the common good, the Tory party is plunging into a period of argument and infighting.

"In the absence of a government that puts the people first Labour must unite as a source of national stability and unity.

Jeremy Corbyn leaves his home on June 24
Jeremy Corbyn leaves his home on June 24 CREDIT: ROB STOTHARD/GETTY IMAGES
"It should focus on speaking up for jobs and workers’ rights under threat, and on challenging any attempt to use the referendum result to introduce a more right-wing Tory government by the backdoor.

"The last thing Labour needs is a manufactured leadership row of its own in the midst of this crisis and we call upon all Labour MPs not to engage in any such indulgence."

Report from Christopher Hope

Israel reacts to Brexit vote
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has released a statement on Cameron's resignation: "I have great appreciation for Prime Minister David Cameron, a respected leader and a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people.

"Throughout his premiership the security, economic and technological cooperation between the United Kingdom and Israel has greatly expanded.

"Together we laid a strong foundation for continued cooperation."

Report from Raf Sanchez in Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu CREDIT: REUETRS/SEBASTIAN SCHEINER
Calls for a 'new European treaty'
Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president and leader of the opposition party, The Republicans, on Friday called for a "new European treaty" in the wake of Brexit.

"What the British have said could have been said by a other European populations. We cannot ignore it," said Mr Sarkozy, who it is widely thought hopes to run for re-election.

He added: "Europe can function without the British and we have time, by the way, to rethink our relationship with our neighbour".

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy CREDIT: RAJAT GUPTA
However, he went on the remaining 27 EU states "can no longer function in this way".

"I call for a meeting of European heads of state and government to take the decision of drawing up a new Treaty. That will show the peoples of our continent that Europe has decided to take its destiny in hand," he said.

For Mr Sarkozy, this treaty should have "five pillars".

Sarkozy calls for a "new European treaty" in the wake of Brexit
Sarkozy calls for a "new European treaty" in the wake of Brexit CREDIT: REUTERS
The first should be the creation of a Schengen 2 agreement overseen by a European interior minister to ensure Europe's borders were "respected" and that non-Europeans could not enter and move around the continent as they please.

Second, he called for "an economic government of the eurozone with a stable president elected by his peers, a European monetary fund that will "ensure the independence of Europe".

Third, the principle of subsidiarity "must become a reality", bar around a dozen stategic priorities that can be handled at continental level, such as energy and agriculture.

European Commission
European Commission CREDIT: AP
Fourth, the European Commission "can no longer cumulate executive, legislative and judicial competencies", he said. "It must enact the European Council's decisions" and not take any without the "explicit accord of the European parliament or national parliaments".

And finaly, "the process of European englargement must clearly be stopped until further notice". Turkey, he went on, "has no place in the EU".

Report from Henry Samuel in Paris

Brexit voter changes her mind: I'm full of regret
Brexit voter changes her mind: I'm full of regret Mandy Suthi says that she her family voted for Brexit but they've changed their mind now that she's seen what's happening. She told ITV she is full of regret and along with her two sisters and her parents, would vote differently if given a second chance.

"The facts are coming in now and our eyes are actually open," she explained. "We're actually seeing what's happening." Ms Suthi said the biggest shock was David Cameron resigning, and that her and her family didn't expect it to happen.

'I'm full of regret' - extraordinary moment Brexit voter changes her mind'I'm full of regret' - extraordinary moment Brexit voter changes her mindPlay!01:35
Calais region calls on France to renegotiate border deal with UK
Xavier Bertrand, head of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie region which comprises a notorious migrant camp known as "the jungle" on Friday called on the French government to seize on the Brexit outcome to renegotiate a bilateral deal with Britain whereby border controls are conducted on French soil, telling the British "we can no longer bear this burden in your name".

"It's up to the French government to seize this new situation and to renegotiate the 2003 Le Touquet treaty," he told BFM TV.

"(The migrants) don't want to stay in France, so it's up to the English to redefine new welcome conditions. We can no longer bear this burden in their name."

However, he said economic links between the Calais region and the UK must not suffer from the vote.

"You have said no to Europe but you have not said no to France," he added.

Report from Henry Samuel in Paris

Mandelson: Britain is bigger and better than this
Former EU Commissioner Lord Mandelson admits he was shocked and saddened by the Brexit vote and says that "Britain is bigger and better than this"

Mandelson: Britain is bigger and better than thisMandelson: Britain is bigger and better than thisPlay!02:18
What is the EU?
Hours after the UK voted to leave the European Union, "What is the EU?" became the second top UK Google search on the issue.

Google Trends showed the top query directed to the search engine was "What does it mean to leave the EU?".

The third most searched question on the EU was "Which countries are in the EU?", followed by "What will happen now we've left the EU?".

Completing the top five was the search "How many countries are in the EU?".

The questions formed the top Google searches conducted on the EU since the official Brexit result was announced.

'Welcome to Paris region, the new London'
As the City reels from the shock of Brexit, other rival European cities are now vying to roll out the red carpet to banks who may feel they need a greater presence inside the EU.

"Welcome to Paris region, the new London", declared on Friday Valérie Pécresse, president of the greater Paris region of Ile de France.

Ms Pécresse said that the French capital and its surroundings were "ready to welcome all those who want to return to Europe".

Eiffel Tower, Paris
HSBC in February remarked that it could could shift 1,000 investment banking jobs from London to Paris if the UK left the EU.

Stuart Gulliver, HSBC chief executive, said "We have 5,000 people in global banking and markets [HSBC’s investment bank] in London and I could imagine that around 20 per cent of those would move to Paris.”

In a statement, Paris Europlace, a lobby group for the French capital's financial centre, said: "Europe must undertake negotiations without concessions on the United Kingdom's departure" by making it clear that the UK "no longer belongs to the European single market and must be considered as a third country" without the right to benefit from a European passport granting it access to financial markets.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel CREDIT: EPA/KAY NIETFELD
Meanwhile, Germany's financial capital of Frankfurt ramped up its campagn to woo banks and financiers out of London on Friday.

Lobbying group Frankfurt Main Finance opened a spcial hotline to persuade help them relocate.and launched a campaign on social media called: "Welcome to Frankfurt – What can we do for you?" Its director Hubertus Väth told AFP: "According to our prudent estimates, between 1.5 per cent and 2 per cent of financial jobs in London could move to Frankfurt in the coming five years. That would be between 10-15,000 jobs."

Report from Henry Samuel in Paris

'Look to the future'
The chairman of global construction equipment giant JCB has urged the business community to "look to the future" after the vote to quit the EU.

Lord Bamford, whose father founded JCB in 1945, said in a statement: "The UK is the world's fifth largest trading nation.

"We therefore have little to fear from leaving the EU. European markets are important to many UK businesses, including JCB, and this will not change."

JCB employs around 5,500 UK workers at 11 factories in Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Wrexham, and operates other plants in North America, India, China and Brazil.

Lord Bamford, who took over as chairman of the family-owned firm more than 40 years ago, said of the poll result: "As a consequence of this momentous decision, we should look ahead to opportunities to trade more freely with the rest of the world, as well as building on existing trading relationships with customers and suppliers in Europe."

European Union and British Union Jack flag flying in front of Big Ben
European Union and British Union Jack flag flying in front of Big Ben CREDIT: LAZYLLAMA / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
Ed Miliband Tweets...

What a difference a year makes
In this private moment on 11 May 2015, just four days after the general election, jubilant Conservative MPs proudly gaze at their leader David Cameron after he led the party to an unexpected outright win on one of the most dramatic nights in British electoral history.

Less than a year later and the EU referendum has wiped away the smiles from many in his party.

Picture taken from inside the 1922 Committee Room in the Houses of Parliament following the General Election of 2015
Picture taken from inside the 1922 Committee Room in the Houses of Parliament following the General Election of 2015 CREDIT: ERIC PICKLES
How the world reacted to Brexit
On Friday morning the world woke up to the news that Britain has decided to leave the European union - but how did our neighbours react to the referendum result?

Here's what Donald Trump, Francois Hollande and others made of the UK's historic decision.

How the world reacted to BrexitHow the world reacted to BrexitPlay!01:59
Security will continue business as usual
Lynne Owens, Director General of the National Crime Agency said the Brexit decision would not affect ongoing operations against international criminals.

She said: “The NCA works with partners in over 150 countries because organised crime is not constrained by geographical or jurisdictional boundaries.

"To tackle it effectively we must be able to cooperate closely and share intelligence in an agile way. If it cannot be met through EU mechanisms we will find others.

“For now, ongoing operations against international crime threats continue as before.

"We will be working closely with government to understand what the implications of exit will be for us, and to plan the steps we need to take with our law enforcement partners to keep people in the UK safe.”

Report from Martin Evans

Police tape
EU protest opposite Parliament

So long George Osborne, the so-called master strategist
George Osborne has never been one to associate with things that might make him look unpopular, so much so that he has been dubbed the “Submarine Chancellor”, writes Asa Bennett.

Backing Remain in the EU referendum was always going to be a risk for him, especially when he did it with such gusto. Mr Osborne – the supposed “master strategist” - has gambled on it and lost. Does this mean his career has hit the end of the road?

Read Asa's full article here

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne
Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne CREDIT: REUTERS/DYLAN MARTINEZ
ICC: 'We urge calm'
Chris Southworth, Secretary General, at the International Chamber of Commerce United Kingdom, has said: “The UK is part of a global economic system and the impact of today's decision goes far and wide.

"It will take a while to be absorbed - parts of the world are only now waking up to the news - and, while it is easy to get caught-up in the emotions, we must stay calm, take a step back, and carefully assess the impact on global commerce.

"As an organisation, ICC’s focus is on reiterating the importance of trade and investment - trade and investment channels with the EU must remain open, trade flows must remain strong, and we must remember that ratifying trade agreements is the key to encouraging growth and prosperity.”

Brexit hits holiday makers
Many UK holidaymakers travelling abroad will pay more for foreign currency as the pound plunged to its lowest level since 1985 following the EU referendum.

Sterling was down against every single major currency group as the markets reacted to the result.

Children on beach
Children on beach CREDIT: ALAMY
Thomas Cook suspended its travel money website due to "unprecedented customer demand" overnight and on Friday morning.

It said its immediate priority was to ensure it has "enough currency in store to fulfil outstanding orders" and hoped to be "back up and running as soon as possible".

Ian Strafford-Taylor, chief executive of currency provider FairFX, said the reaction of the pound to Brexit could signal "longer term volatility", with holidaymakers "directly impacted".

'Corbyn has my full backing'
Andy Burnham, the shadow home secretary, has said the Labour leader has his full backing.

Walking out of the shadow cabinet meeting, he said: "We have focused on what the public has said and the message - that's where our focus was."

Asked if the Labour Party has some "hard lessons" to learn, he said: "Hard lessons for us all. I have said many times that there is a feeling that people's concerns about immigration haven't been heard, I've said that many, many times.

"That has got to be faced up to now."

He said he knows "nothing" about the motion of no confidence.

Asked if Mr Corbyn has his full backing, Mr Burnham said: "Yes he does."

Labour politician Andy Burnham
Hillary Clinton comments on Brexit Vote
Hillary Clinton released the following statement after the people of Great Britain voted to leave the European Union: "We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made.

"Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does not hurt working families here in America.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton CREDIT: AP PHOTO/JOHN LOCHER
"We also have to make clear America's steadfast commitment to the special relationship with Britain and the transatlantic alliance with Europe.

"This time of uncertainty only underscores the need for calm, steady, experienced leadership in the White House to protect Americans' pocketbooks and livelihoods, to support our friends and allies, to stand up to our adversaries, and to defend our interests.

"It also underscores the need for us to pull together to solve our challenges as a country, not tear each other down."

We will handle Brexit with customary calm
Sir Jeremy Heywood, Britain’s top civil servant, has pledged to carry forward “the clear decision of the British people to leave the European Union”.

Sir Jeremy told civil servants today that he was confident officials would negotiate Brexit “with our customary calm, integrity and commitment”.

In a message obtained by Civil Service World, he said: “The task falls to us to support the government, and the new prime minister when appointed, in carrying forward the clear decision of the British people to leave the European Union and set a new direction for the country.

“I am confident that we will do this with our customary calm, integrity and commitment. And we will do so while ensuring other business continues as usual, serving the public with professionalism and pride."

Report from Christopher Hope

McGuinness: English votes have dragged Northern Ireland out of EU
Northern Ireland's Deputy First Minister hints at calls for independence after saying that "English votes have dragged us out of Europe".

McGuinness: English votes have dragged Northern Ireland out of EUMcGuinness: English votes have dragged Northern Ireland out of EUPlay!01:27
Corbyn pulls out of Glastonbury
Jeremy Corbyn had been due to speak at Leftfield at Glastonbury on Sunday, but his spokesman said he had pulled out.

The spokesman said: "He is focusing on the issues that have come from the momentous decision that the country has taken."

Jeremy Corbyn MP
A spokesman for Mr Corbyn condemned the motion of no confidence being launched against him today as a "self-indulgent act", although he acknowledged it had been discussed at a post-referendum meeting of the shadow cabinet.

"It is a time when our party should be uniting to deal with the real issues that face Britain and the real issues that face the people of Britain, and so to create divisions in the party is a bit of a self-indulgent act," the spokesman said.

Amid mounting criticism of Mr Corbyn's failure to galvanise traditional Labour voters in support of Remain - with northern strongholds voting for Leave - backbencher Angela Smith joined calls for him to consider his position.

Former Labour cabinet minister and EU commissioner Lord Mandelson also said the referendum campaign showed Mr Corbyn "can't cut it" as leader.

Festivalgoers arrive for the Glastonbury Festival
Festivalgoers arrive for the Glastonbury Festival CREDIT: BEN BIRCHALL/PA WIRE
Davidson: Second independence referendum not in best interests of Scotland
Davidson: Second independence referendum not in best interests of ScotlandDavidson: Second independence referendum not in best interests of ScotlandPlay!01:46
India predicts 'period of possible turbulence'
Arun Jaitley, India's finance minister, has warned that the "full implications for the UK, Europe and the rest of the world are still uncertain", and predicted a "period of possible turbulence" in the medium term for the global economy.

However he added that India "respects" the referendum's verdict and said the Indian economy was well "well-prepared" to deal with the economic fallout from Britain's vote to leave the EU.

The rupee fell sharply this morning, while shares in Indian firms that have high exposure to the UK such as Tata Motors, which owns Jaguar Land Rover, fell by up to 8 per cent. India has described the UK as its "entry point" to Europe.

The Indian Express newspaper reassured it readers that "Brexit doesn’t do any damage to us. "

Meanwhile Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi's chief minister, has seized upon the example of Brexit to demand a referendum on full statehood for the Indian capital, which is currently a "union territory" with limited autonomy.

Report from Andrew Marszal in New Delhi

Obama: 'Special relationship is enduring'
President Obama has issued a statement on the Uk's decision to leave the European Union.

"The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision.

"The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom’s membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy.

US President Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama CREDIT: YURI GRIPAS/AFP
"So too is our relationship with the European Union, which has done so much to promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond.

"The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship to ensure continued stability, security, and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world."

President Barack Obama and Britain's Prime Minister
President Barack Obama and Britain's Prime Minister CREDIT: AP PHOTO/ FRANK AUGSTEIN
Putin comments on Brexit...
Vladimir Putin said Britain's vote to leave the EU reflects growing concerns about immigration and security.

Speaking to reporters in Tashkent, the Russian president also said the vote is a response to unhappiness with Brussels bureaucracy.

But he condemned David Cameron for accusing him of backing Brexit, saying the British prime minister's warning that leaving the EU would please the Kremlin was "the lowest level" of politics.

"We followed this with close attention, but we did not in any way influence it and made no attempt to do so," Mr Putin said in comments carried by Russian media.

"The British prime minister's comments ahead of the vote, in which he announced the Russian position, had and has no basis." he said. "I think that was an inappropriate attempt to influence public opinion."

Mr Putin said Brexit would have both "positive and negative" consequences for Russia and the rest of the world, but that he expected markets to stabilise from the initial shock.

"Life will show us whether there are more plusses or minuses," he said.

Report from Roland Oliphant

Russian President Putin
Morgan Stanley denies plans to relocate 2,000 staff
Reports that Morgan Stanley will relocate 2,000 UK staff to Dublin or Frankfurt are "utterly false", a source close to the bank has told The Telegraph.

Colm Kelleher, president of Morgan Stanley, told Bloomberg on Wednesday that if the UK votes to leave the EU "we will look at having European headquarters somewhere in Europe".

Mr Kelleher suggested the European HQ could be in Dublin or Frankfurt but did not say it would replace the London office. "Obviously we're hoping that the British voter will show sense and listen to the economic argments and stay, but we clearly are looking at our plans," he said.

Cameron's statement in full
Cameron's voice breaks during emotional resignation speechCameron's voice breaks during emotional resignation speechPlay!07:06
Biden: We had looked for a different outcome
US Vice President Joe Biden said the Obama Administration had wanted Remain to win but respected the decision of the British people.

In the first public reaction by a senior US government figure Mr Biden said: "I must say we had looked for a different outcome."

Mr Biden, speaking in Dublin, added: "The United States has a long-standing friendship with the United Kingdom and that very special bond will endure. We fully respect the decision they have made."

Report from Nick Allen in Washington

Vice President Joe Biden
Country is in a 'mess'
Ann Coffey, one of two Labour MPs who have formally tabled a motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn, has told the Press Association: "The result of the European Union leaves this country in a mess.

"Leaders have to take responsibility and he has to take his share of responsibility for this, and he should resign."

She added: "I think over the weeks there has been consistent dissatisfaction with him over the referendum campaign, that is not something that is new really, and that dissatisfaction has increased rather than decreased towards the end of the campaign.

"So this motion gives the parliamentary party ... their own right to have a view about his leadership."

Osborne: 'I will do all I can to make it work'
Chancellor George Osborne has said the vote for a Brexit was "not the outcome I wanted," adding that he respected the decision of British people and "will do all I can to make it work".

Central banks across the G7 have taken action to ensure the proper functioning of financial markets, the Chancellor said as the pound tumbled following the referendum vote to leave the EU.

Mr Osborne said he had briefed G7 finance ministers and bank governors on the outcome of the vote and that the Bank of England and the Treasury were "monitoring the situation closely".

"They all respect the decision of the British people," he wrote in a series of Tweets.

"G7 central banks have taken steps to ensure adequate liquidity and to support functioning of markets."

He added: "It was a hard fought campaign. It is not the outcome I wanted but I respect decision of British people and will do all I can to make it work."

Ruth Davidson 'disappointed'
The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has said: "Like the First Minister I am disappointed with the result. Like the First Minister I want to see stability prioritised in the days ahead.

"Scotland will open for business next week in the same way as it closes today.

"But I do not believe that a second independence referendum will help us achieve that stability nor that it is in the best interests of the people of Scotland.

"The 1. 6 million votes cast in this referendum in favour of remain, do not wipe away the 2 million votes that we cast less than two years ago."

Davidson: Second independence referendum not in best interests of ScotlandDavidson: Second independence referendum not in best interests of ScotlandPlay!01:46
Osborne Tweets...

How the EU referendum night unfolded - highlights from the night
EU Referendum: How the night unfoldedEU Referendum: How events unfoldedPlay!01:44
Europe's existential crisis
The UK departure opens a disturbing crack in the foundations of global governance, writes Peter Foster.

Britain’s decision to quit the EU is a seismic moment for Europe because it points to the inescapable reality that a new national politics – whose angry force was for too long simply denied by the technocrats and governing classes – really is trumping Europe’s supranational ambitions.

The truly existential crisis for Europe will involve combating an intoxicating populist narrative and drive through the kind of structural economic reforms that will prevent Europe (as distinct from the EU) from sliding into irrelevance and geo-political old age.

Read Peter Foster's full piece here

A man carries a EU flag, after Britain voted to leave the European Union
A man carries a EU flag, after Britain voted to leave the European Union CREDIT: REUTERS/NEIL HALL
'No surprise' Corbyn challenge mounting
Chris Leslie, the former Labour shadow chancellor, has told the BBC he is "not surprised" at calls for Mr Corbyn to consider his position as leader of the Party.

"I would say today he does need to consider his position and think about whether he should do the honourable thing," he said.

"Every MP is going to have to search their conscience about it but I think I would need an awful lot of persuading to have confidence in Jeremy's leadership going into a general election."

Nicky Morgan for PM?
Education Secretary Nicky Morgan did little to talk down speculation that she will seek to be nominated as a candidate to replace Mr Cameron.

Asked about the rumours that she is taking soundings about the leadership, Mrs Morgan told BBC Radio 4's World At One: "I think it's too soon. We are less than 24 hours since the polls closed, it's too soon to speculate. There's all sorts of names, I'm sure, around."

Pressed if her name would be one of them, Mrs Morgan replied: "I have said before I think it would be really good to have a woman in the final two but that's a matter for the parliamentary party, and it's a question of who the parliamentary party thinks is the right person to lead - not just in terms of the negotiations but also the wider 'one nation' agenda that we set out in our manifesto last year and that we were elected on."

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan
Education Secretary Nicky Morgan CREDIT: NICK ANSELL/PA WIRE
The Tories' search for a new leader
Tory strife and surviving the EU referendum draftTory strife and surviving the EU referendum Play!01:49
Jeremy failed the test
Margaret Hodge, one of the Labour MPs who have tabled a motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn, tells Sky News the referendum was a test of his leadership and "Jeremy failed that test".

She urged Mr Corbyn to "do the decent thing" and stand down in the way that David Cameron had.

"The European referendum was a test of leadership and I think Jeremy failed that test", she said.

"He came out too slowly, he was very half-hearted about his attempts to campaign and Labour voters simply didn't get the message."

Jeremy Corbyn
UK can't sign trade deals until it fully quits the EU
Britain cannot agree a trade deal with the US or other states until it has fully left the European Union after a two-year negotiation, sources say.

It puts a major stymie in the Leavers' plan to sign simultaneous trade deals while also negotiating an EU exit.

After Article 50 is activated, the UK is bound by EU treaty law for two years. That includes "all the rights and obligations" of being a full member, which forbid an independent trade policy.

An EU legal source confirmed: "As long as the withdrawal has not become legally effective, the UK is a MS with all rights and obligations, including the obligation to respect the division of competences in the area of trade."

In the weeks before the referendum, it was briefed to the Financial Times that Martin Selmayr, Jean-Claude Juncker's chief of staff, had a "Plan B" for Brexit in his safe. Officials refuse to say whether that was a lie.

Report from Matthew Holehouse

President on the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker
President on the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker CREDIT: AP PHOTO/MARKUS SCHREIBE
'This is a dreadful day for our country'
Anna Soubry, the Conservative Business Minister, has told the BBC: "This is a dreadful day... a dreadful for our economy and I think also a dreadful day for our country".

She added that it was "one of the worst days of my life".

Anna Soubry MP
Angela Merkel appeals for calm in wake of Brexit vote
Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has appealed for calm and urged states not to draw "quick and simple" conclusions, writes Matthew Holehouse.

She said it is essential they "calmly and prudently" react.

"We take note of the British people's decision with regret. There is no doubt that this is a blow to Europe and to the European unification process," she said.

Angela Merkel
But "what the consequences of this would be... would depend on whether we - the other 27 member states of the EU - prove to be willing and able to not draw quick and simple conclusions from the referendum in Great Britain, which would only further divide Europe," said Merkel.

Member states should "calmly and prudently analyse and evaluate the situation, before making the right decisions together," said Mrs Merkel.

She will host talks with French President Francois Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and European Council president Donald Tusk in Berlin on Monday.

Recalling the founding aim of the EU, Merkel urged Europeans to "never forget that the idea of European unity was an idea of peace."

Switzerland sets up Brexit helpline
Switzerland, which is not in the European Union, has set up a helpline for its citizens with questions over the British exit, writes Emma Gatten.

The Swiss government on Friday assured its citizens that despite the vote, "currently applicable rules for Swiss citizens and businesses remain valid for the time being."

But the government says it was adding additional staff to help field questions from its citizens. It says it plans to keep the hotline up around the clock, seven-days a week as needed.

Jeremy Corbyn could be deposed within days as MPs submit no confidence motion
Ben Riley-Smith, our political correspondent, is outside Labour's shadow cabinet meeting in Parliament as speculation of a coup circulates.

Jeremy Corbyn could be deposed as Labour leader within days after two MPs formally tabled a motion of no confidence in him.

Margaret Hodge and Ann Coffey's demand will be discussed at the Parliamentary Labour Party's next meeting on Monday evening and a vote could be held as early as Tuesday.

Sources close to the Labour rebels said the move would trigger a straight yes/no vote on whether MPs held confidence in Mr Corbyn, with a leadership content being launched if a majority said no.

Corbyn defends his handling of EU referendum campaignCorbyn defends his handling of EU referendum campaignPlay!01:47
However Jeremy Corbyn's team are unsure about whether the no confidence motion is actually allowed in the rule books and are now rapidly trying to work out where they stand.

The chaotic scenes happened amid fury from pro-EU Labour MPs over Mr Corbyn's failure to persuade more supporters to vote Remain in the wake of yesterday's Brexit vote.

During the campaign, Mr Corbyn rated his enthusiasm for staying in the EU at only 7.5 out of 10 and repeatedly criticised the Tories despite being on the same side as David Cameron in the referendum.

There now seems an increasing likelihood that a Labour leadership race will take place this summer.

Mr Corbyn and Ed Miliband
Mr Corbyn and Ed Miliband CREDIT: PA
Sources closes to Mr Corbyn admitted to The Telegraph that they remain unsure whether he would automatically get on the ballot after a rule dispute remained unsettled at the top of the party.

Mr Corbyn is currently meeting with his shadow cabinet and asking for their advice about how to deal with the fallout of the vote to leave the EU.

Senior figures are remaining button-lipped whenever they nip out of the meeting but Labour aides appear shell shocked at the result.

"We never mentally prepared for Brexit, even when we saw the polls putting them in the lead," one Labour source told The Telegraph. They have no idea where this day will end for Mr Corbyn.

Lunchtime roundup: UK votes to leave
If you've just joined us here is a handy lunchtime roundup after a busy morning.

David Cameron has announced he will resign by October after the UK backed Brexit by 51.9% to 48.1%
His decision has triggered a Conservative leadership contest
Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have praised the Prime Minister and expressed regret at his decision
Nicola Sturgeon has vowed to keep Scotland in the EU and backed a second independence vote
Sadiq Khan is fighting for London to have a seat at the Brexit negotiating table
Two MPs have tabled a no confidence motion in Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn
FTSE 100 volatile as pound falls in early trading
EU leaders demand UK begin exit process urgently as PM and Boris say there is no rush
Watch this handy video for a recap you can watch as you eat your lunch...

Tory strife and surviving the EU referendum draftTory strife and surviving the EU referendum Play!01:49

Watch: Boris Johnson's tribute to the Prime Minister
Boris' tribute to PM: One of the most extraordinary politicians of our ageBoris' tribute to PM: One of the most extraordinary politicians of our agePlay!06:56

Japanese finance minister 'very concerned' about Brexit
Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, said financial markets need to be stabilised in the aftermath of Britain's vote to leave the European Union, with the yen surging against other currencies and Japanese stocks plunging.

"We must respond firmly", the prime minister said in a speech in northern Japan on Friday. "The foreign exchange market and other financial markets need to be stabilised", writes Julian Ryall in Tokyo.

Taro Aso, the finance minister, echoed those concerns, telling reporters, "We are very concerned over the risks to the global economy and financial and exchange markets.

The government will monitor developments "more than ever", he said, and take measures to avoid further volatility.

The yen - seen as a safe-haven currency - soared against the dollar and other currencies immediately after the result of the referendum became apparent, although it retreated later.

The Bank of Japan has said it will "stand ready to provide sufficient liquidity" with central banks in Europe and the US to "ensure the stability of financial markets".

There are also concerns in Tokyo that Britain's departure from the EU will affect negotiations on a free trade agreement between Europe and Japan, Kyodo News reported, with Motoo Hayashi, the trade and industry minister, admitting completing a deal before the end of the years has "become difficult".

Photo: Jeremy Corbyn reacts to David Cameron's resignation
A brilliant photo of the Labour leader watching the Prime Minister resign in a tent on College Green outside Parliament.

Mr Corbyn was preparing for a radio interview.

Elsewhere Tom Watson, Labour's deputy leader, has reacted to the resignation.

He said: "I thank David Cameron for the contribution he has made to public life in our country but I welcome his resignation.

"People wanted him to set out a vision of what a future Europe would look like, but they were confronted instead with a negative campaign that too often relied on scare tactics. The Labour campaign led by Alan Johnson, with the help of our talented and hard-working party staff, set out clearly how a reformed EU would benefit working people.

"Labour has lessons to learn and we will to continue to listen but our focus over the next few days must be to reassure voters, millions of whom are very concerned about our country's future. They should know that we will work in Parliament to provide stability in a period of great instability for our country."

Pope: Brexit vote is 'will of the people'
Church leaders, almost all of whom publicly backed Remain, are scrambling to make peace with the Brexiteers – including many in their own congregations, writes John Bingham.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York were among the first off the block with a joint statement accepting the outcome of the referendum which they said had been “determined by the people of this country”.

They said it was now time to “re-imagine both what it means to be the United Kingdom in an interdependent world and what values and virtues should shape and guide our relationships with others”.

They pointedly added: “Many of those living among us and alongside us as neighbours, friends and work colleagues come from overseas and some will feel a deep sense of insecurity.

“We must respond by offering reassurance, by cherishing our wonderfully diverse society, and by affirming the unique contribution of each and every one.”

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, took a similar line emphasising that the “will of the people, expressed at the ballot box” must be respected with “respect and civility, despite deep differences of opinion”.

He added: “We pray that our nations will build on our finest traditions of generosity, of welcome for the stranger and shelter for the needy.”

The Pope
But the Church of Scotland was more openly critical of the result and said it would “inevitably” raise questions about Scottish independence but added that this was “for another day”.

The Rev Dr Richard Frazer, Convener of the Church of Scotland’s Church & Society Council, said it had been a “bitter and polarising campaign” adding: “I believe this is a decision which many people will regret.

“The Church of Scotland has spoken out consistently over the last 20 years in favour of our continued membership to the European Union – but it is the democratic decision of people living in the UK and we must honour that.

“In Scotland, the majority voted differently and this will inevitably raise questions about Scotland’s future in the rest of the UK.

“That is for another day.”

Damon Albarn: 'Democracy failed us'

Photo: Boris Johnson and Michael Gove
The two leave campaigners speak this morning
The two leave campaigners speak this morning CREDIT: PA

Conservative party chairman will also resign this year
A Conservative spokesperson has confirmed that Andrew Feldman, the chair of the party, will resign when David Cameron does later this year.

They said: “Andrew Feldman always said that he would serve alongside the Prime Minister for as long as he was needed.

"The Prime Minister has asked him to stay as Chairman of the Conservative Party whilst the leadership campaign takes place. He will ensure that the Party Conference is properly delivered in the autumn.

“Lord Feldman will step down when the Prime Minister leaves Downing Street.”

Kremlin hopes for "new understanding" with post-Brexit Britain.
Russia wants a new relationship with the UK after the vote, writes Roland Oliphant.

"We hope that in the new reality an understanding of the necessity of building good relations between our countries will prevail," said Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin's press secretary.

"There's a lot of complicated baggage in our relationship, and in the current state we can't alway find readiness for discussion, for cooperation," he said in comments carried by Russian agencies.

Mr Peskov downplayed suggestions by some Russian politicians that Brexit could lead to an easing of EU's sanctions against Russia, however.

"Whether Britain is in the EU or not, there are very different views in Europe with regard to sanctions policy and its effectiveness," he said.

President Putin
President Putin CREDIT: AP
"We hope that in the new reality an understanding of the necessity of building good relations between our countries will prevail," said Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin's press secretary.

"There's a lot of complicated baggage in our relationship, and in the current state we can't alway find readiness for discussion, for cooperation," he said in comments carried by Russian agencies.

Mr Peskov downplayed suggestions by some Russian politicians that Brexit could lead to an easing of EU's sanctions against Russia, however.

"Whether Britain is in the EU or not, there are very different views in Europe with regard to sanctions policy and its effectiveness," he said.

Donald Tusk: UK must activate Article 50 'as soon as possible'
The EU's leadership has demanded Britain activate Article 50 exit talks "as soon as possible" as they attempt to end the uncertainty over the bloc, "however painful that process may be", writes Matthew Holehouse.

President Tusk, President Schulz and Prime Minister Rutte met this morning in Brussels upon the invitation of European Commission President Juncker.

EU flag
Jean Claude Juncker was applauded at a Press briefing after he insisted it is not the "beginning of the end" for the European Union.

Is this the beginning of the end o the European Union? Asks the BBC. He replies: "No."

Mr Juncker turns and walks off. The press room bursts into prolonged applause.

Earlier in his appearance, he cannot bring himself to say Brexit. He refers to "this next situation", and says he is "very sad."

Donald Tusk: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'Donald Tusk: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'Play!01:34
He reads the official statement: they "expect" the British government to deliver on the verdict "as soon as possible, however painful that may be."

He says he "expects France and Germany to take a very clear position" so that it is "clear and obvious to everybody that this period of uncertainty doesn't last too long."

The key section of the statement is here:

"We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may be.

"Any delay would unnecessarily prolong uncertainty. We have rules to deal with this in an orderly way. Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union sets out the procedure to be followed if a Member State decides to leave the European Union. We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union."

Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland and London will battle to stay in EU
The Scottish First Minister has said she is determined to keep the country inside the EU and particularly in the single market, she says the Mayor of London will do the same.

She is seeking an urgent meeting with the European Commission in a bid to discuss options to keep Scotland in the EU.

Ms Sturgeon said: "I want to make it absolutely clear that I intend to take all possible steps and explore all options to give effect to how people in Scotland voted, in other words to secure our continued place in the EU and in the single marker in particular.

"I have also spoken with Mayor Sadiq Khan and he is clear that he shares this objective for London so there is clear common cause between us."

She says the vote displayed a clear "divergence" and "disaffection with the political system that has failed in too many communities .

"The Westminster establishment has some serious soul searching to do and I hope very much it now does it."

Nicola Sturgeon
Nicola Sturgeon CREDIT: PA
She called the Brexit outcome "democratically unacceptable" because the whole of Scotland voted to remain inside the EU and because so many people based their vote in the independence referendum on the notion that they would remain in the EU.

Ms Sturgeon said: "If parliament judges that a second referendum is the best or only way to protect our place in Europe it must have the option to hold one within that timescale.

"We will begin to prepare the legislation that would be required to enable a new independence referendum to take place if and when Parliament decides."

Ms Sturgeon closes by praising the Prime Minister and his dedication to office and gives him her thanks.

Michael Gove: David Cameron will be remembered as a 'Great prime Minister'
Michael Gove also praises the Prime Minister and his "grace" as a leader.

He says there will be a "gradual divergence" of the UK away from the rest of the EU and calls for great minds "outside of politics" to help make the changes needed to leave.

Gove: British people have given us a very clear instructionGove: British people have given us a very clear instructionPlay!03:13
"We have always been an open, inclusive, tolerant and generous nation," he says.

"Now we have a new chance to extend that openness even further, we can build a new stronger and more positive relationship with our European neighbours based on free trade and cooperation."

His speech was carefully measures and deliberately full of positive and reassuring lines about how the UK can move forward.

Neither Mr Gove or Mr Johnson took any questions, despite journalists shouting after them about their leadership ambitions.

Both men have been tipped as possible replacements for David Cameron.

Boris Johnson: 'We have a glorious opportunity'
Boris Johnson has given a press conference alongside fellow Vote Leave campaigners Gisela Stuart and Michael Gove.

Ms Stuart called on all political leaders to "free the United Kingdom" but work in the interests of Europe too. She said we will continue to be "a good neighbour".

Mr Johnson paid tribute to the Prime Minister, adding that he is "sad" at the news of David Cameron's resignation but respects the decision.

"He has been one of the most extraordinary politicians of our age, a brave and principled man", he says.

Mr Johnson praises the Prime Minister's "own brand of compassionate conservatism" and hails his "bravery" at allowing the UK to vote on its membership of the EU.

He says he disagrees with those who say it was wrong to hold a referendum and ask the British people to decide.

"In the end this question is about the people... it is about the very principles of our democracy", he says, "I think the electorate have searched in their hearts and answered as honestly as they can.

"They have decided that it is time to vote to take back control from an EU that has become too remote, too opaque and not accountable enough to the people it is meant to serve".

He says there is "no need for haste" and reiterates that nothing will change in the short term, except work to begin to leave the union.

Boris Johnson leaves his house
Boris Johnson leaves his house CREDIT: PA
"There is no need to invoke Article 50," he says. "This does not mean that the UK will be any less united, nor indeed that it will be any less European."

Mr Johnson rejects the idea that the vote is about pulling up the drawbridge, adding: "We cannot turn our backs on Europe, we are part of Europe."

Our children will continue to travel, learn the language and interact with those on the continue and we will continue to be "a great European power".

He says the EU was a "noble idea for its time, it is no longer right for this country" and says we will have a more secure and more prosperous country because of the decision to leave.

"I believe we now have a glorious opportunity" Boris says, adding we can set taxes and control our borders however we see fit.

"The most precious thing this country have given this continent is the idea of parliamentary democracy ... I believe the British people have spoken up for democracy in Britain and across Europe and I believe the British people can be very proud," he adds.

Emergency meetings in France and Germany
President François Hollande of France held an emergency cabinet meeting on Brexit this morning in the presence of Pierre Moscovici, the European economy and finance commissioner, Henry Samuel writes.

Hollande also held a 20-minute phone call with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and the pair "drew the consequences" of the vote. He also spoke to European Council president Donald Tusk.

Donald Tusk: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'Donald Tusk: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'Play!01:34
Mr Hollande in recent days has warned that Britain's exit from the EU would be "irreversible" and called for a "relaunch of European construction...whatever the response of the British people".

He is due to travel to Berlin next Monday ahead of a special European summit on Brexit on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels.

It came as Spain said it was closer to bringing Gibraltar under its control after Britain voted to leave the European Union, prompting London to jump in to ease concerns in the overseas territory.

The Rock of Gibraltar
The Rock of Gibraltar CREDIT: TELEGRAPH
Matthew Holehouse writes that the tiny rocky outcrop on Spain's southern tip has long been the subject of an acrimonious sovereignty row between London and Madrid, which wants Gibraltar back after it was ceded to Britain in 1713.

"Our formula... is British-Spanish co-sovereignty for a determined period of time, which after that time has elapsed, will head towards the restitution of Gibraltar to Spanish sovereignty," Spain's acting Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo told Spanish radio.

"The Spanish flag is much closer to the Rock."

Political leaders react to the vote

KPMG issues house price warning after Brexit vote
Tax experts KPMG have issued a stark warning about the state of the UK housing market following the decision to leave the EU.

While the UK won't officially exit for at least two years, uncertainty in the markets in the short term is likely to have an impact on prices and the number of people prepared to buy.

In a statement, Jan Crosby, head of housing at the group said: "As we enter a new phase of uncertainty following the UK’s vote to leave the EU, it is very likely people will put big decisions on hold, and one of the biggest decisions people ever make is a house purchase.

House prices could fall, experts warn
House prices could fall, experts warn CREDIT: PA
"This means we can expect short term transaction volumes to decrease and to stay deflated for some time – perhaps until next spring.

"The impact on house prices really depends on the house builders’ reaction. It is likely there will be a price drop in the order of 5% in regional UK, possibly slightly more in London, but we are most likely to see a drop in the growth in asking prices rather than pricing, which will likely change less.

"If general economic volatility is high there risks being a larger price adjustment caused by price cutting, creating a moderate downward spiral of pricing. And this will be worse if immigration inflows are materially reversed."

Petition for second EU referendum reaches 77,000 signatures
A petition calling for a second EU referendum has been launched - and is proving so popular the page keeps crashing.

The page, set up by William Oliver Healey, reads: "We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum."

At 10am it had more than 77,000 signatures and had received more than 11,000 signatures in the previous hour.

It will need over 100,000 signatures to be debated in Parliament.

'Sombre atmosphere' at Glastonbury as result trickles across site
A sombre atmosphere descended on Glastonbury Festival after a night of partying as news filtered through that Britain had voted to leave the EU.

There were no televisions at the site showing the result, but news quickly spread, although Prime Minister David Cameron's resignation was still trickling through as the festival prepared to officially open at 11am.

Among festival-goers, there was a feeling of surprise and uncertainty.

The mood at the festival is reportedly subdued as the result emerged this morning
The mood at the festival is reportedly subdued as the result emerged this morning CREDIT: PA
Alex Keshavarzi, 26, from Stevenage, and his friend Rachel Hawkins, 25, from Wales, said they were "devastated" by the result.

Mr Keshavarzi said: "We were just talking about how uncertain everything is now and how unsafe it has made us feel. I'm a student, a PhD student, I don't know how it's going to affect how I can travel inside the EU, what it means in terms of my research and my funding, because that all comes from European bodies and research councils.

"In 20 years there might be light at the end of the tunnel, we'll see something good out of it. For the time being I can't see it being a good thing.

Video: Donald Trump hails Brexit result
Donald Trump hails Brexit result as he arrives in ScotlandDonald Trump hails Brexit result as he arrives in ScotlandPlay!01:33

What does the vote mean for Europe?
As the UK gulps down reassuring cups of tea in a bid to try and get our heads around a Brexit vote, our Europe editor Peter Foster ponders what it all means for Europe.

Optimists will see Brexit as a trigger for a new beginning for Europe; a shock therapy that acknowledges the failures of the current arrangements and tries to seek a new mode of governing that better acknowledges national realities while preserving Europe’s open markets, borders and skies.

Financial traders react to the vote at ETX Capital in London
Financial traders react to the vote at ETX Capital in London CREDIT: BLOOMBERG
But no one should underestimate the difficulty of that, given the incoherence of populist political narratives that – as a new European Council on Foreign Relations survey shows – fundamentally want less global trade and more borders; less multi-culturalism and more EU disintegration.

The unavoidable reality is that as globalisation continues, in terms of trade share, innovation capacity and population, Europe is shrinking relative to the rest of the world.

Traders from BGC, a global brokerage company in London's Canary Wharf financial centre react during trading
Traders from BGC, a global brokerage company in London's Canary Wharf financial centre react during trading CREDIT: REUTERS
The truly existential crisis for Europe is therefore how to combat that intoxicating populist narrative and drive through the kind of structural economic reforms that will prevent Europe (as distinct from the EU) from sliding into irrelevance and geo-political old age.

In the end, pragmatism and incrementalism may simply not be enough if Europe – to quote a senior German politician I spoke with recently – wants to be more than a museum where Asians and American come on holiday.

Labour MP: Corbyn has shown 'insufficient leadership' and must resign
Jeremy Corbyn looks like he might be in hot water today following the Brexit vote.

Labour MPs are beginning to break cover and call for him to consider his position.

Angela Smith has said: "Jeremy Corbyn has got to take responsibility. He should consider his position. He's shown insufficient leadership."

Jeremy Corbyn says he won't resign despite Brexit resultJeremy Corbyn says he won't resign despite Brexit resultPlay!00:53
While a senior shadow cabinet member has warned the mood is turning on Mr Corbyn.

They added: "There are a lot of people who think this is in large measure at Jeremy's door personally - because of incompetence."

Will the UK continue to be a member of Nato?
Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary general, has issued an extraordinary statement on Brexit, Matthew Holehouse writes.

It insists that the UK will "remain a strong and committed Nato Ally". This is clearly wishful thinking.

Trident, the territorial integrity of the UK, and the ability of the public finances to sustain the current defence commitments are in serious jeopardy.

Mr Stoltenberg said: "The British people have decided to leave the European Union. As it defines the next chapter in its relationship with the EU, I know that the United Kingdom's position in NATO will remain unchanged.

"The UK will remain a strong and committed NATO Ally, and will continue to play its leading role in our Alliance.

"Today, as we face more instability and uncertainty, NATO is more important than ever as a platform for cooperation among European Allies, and between Europe and North America.

Trident is the UK's nuclear missile system
Trident is the UK's nuclear missile system CREDIT: TELEGRAPH
"A strong, united and determined NATO remains an essential pillar of stability in a turbulent world, and a key contributor to international peace and security.

"The Alliance remains committed to closer cooperation with the European Union. At the Warsaw Summit in July, we will step up our cooperation, because together we are more effective in upholding our common values and keeping our nations safe."

David Cameron has spoken to Nicola Sturgeon amid Scottish split fears
David Mundell, the Scottish Secretary, said David Cameron had already spoken to Nicola Sturgeon today, amid claims she could demand another independence referendum north of the border, writes Auslan Cramb.

Mr Mundell, Scotland’s only Tory MP, added that he has offered to meet the Scottish Government in Edinburgh to discuss “next steps” while stressing that the UK has fundamental strengths.

Nicola Sturgeon
Nicola Sturgeon CREDIT: AFP
He said: “This is a time for calmness and deliberation, not pushing other personal or political agendas.”

Ms Sturgeon is expected to set out her response to the referendum result later this morning.

Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Conservative leader, said the UK and Scottish governments must work together for the benefit of “all people in Scotland”, and called for the stability of the country to be put first.

She also paid tribute to Mr Cameron, saying he “restored the UK economy from the depths of the financial crisis, he pushed ahead with a series of necessary social reforms, and, in Scotland, delivered on devolution”.

Tony Blair: Jeremy Corbyn failed to mobilise Labour voters to back Remain
Tony Blair, the former Labour Prime Minister, has said that Jeremy Corbyn's "lukewarm" support for the EU meant that the party failed to "mobilise" its supporters, Steven Swinford writes.

Mr Blair accused Jeremy Corbyn of trying to "take our country back to a time that doesn't exist" and said he is "riding a tide of populism" without providing solutions.

He said that the challenge facing Labour is "far bigger" than Jeremy Corbyn, adding that the party must "consider what our purpose is" and how it can win back it's core voters.

Mr Blair said that the "reality of the choice we made is going to sink in in coming days".

Is the vote legally binding?
As the dust begins to settle (at least for us hacks who have been up all night watching) we're beginning to ask questions about what the vote actually means.

Top of the list is is it binding? More on that here.:

There are also big questions about how Vote Leave plan to halt EU migration, something they promised to do soon after an Out vote; whether the £350million will really go to the NHS after Nigel Farage suggested it might not and when the leaving process will be triggered.

After David Cameron's announcement that he will resign later this year, all eyes will be on Boris Johnson and Michael Gove as these questions begin to rumble around Westminster in the days to come.

The EU reacts to UK Brexit vote
Poland’s foreign minister said the British leave vote “is bad news for Europe and bad news for Poland", Matthew Day writes.

Britain leaving the EU would deprive Poland’s euro-sceptic of a key alley in Brussels, casts a huge cloud of uncertainty over the status of hundreds of thousands of Poles working in the UK.

“First it means destabilisation for the UK. There is a great dilemma for the euro-crats: we all want to keep the EU, but in what shape.”

Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, said Brussels must now listen to the voice of the people and that is “the biggest lesson” of the referendum.

Adams cartoon
Adams cartoon
Tomas Prouza, the Czech secretary of state for EU affairs, said: “I’m sad that fear-mongering has won over reason and the willingness to face the world together.

"However, we have to respect fully the result, and have a thorough soul-searching on how to make Europe understandable again to the people.

"Many across the EU have lost faith, preferring nationalists and xenophobes, and we need to work very hard to explain why Europe still makes sense.”

Senior Merkel ally suggests Scotland could join EU
A senior ally of Angela Merkel has opened the door to Scotland joining the EU, Matthew Holehouse writes.

Manfred Weber, the leader of the conservative bloc in the European parliament who is close to Merkel, says there are “upcoming decisions on the national levels” for Scotland and Northern Ireland “to go another way.”

“It is up to them but Europe to welcome new member states. That is totally clear. Those who want to stay are welcomed in the European Union.”

European Parliament President calls emergency meeting over UK voteEuropean Parliament President calls emergency meeting over UK votePlay!00:30
He says Article 50 talks must begin “immediately”. “We cannot wait for a Tory party to elect a new prime minister.”

“We have the will of the British people on the table. The question is now to implement it. We must do this very quickly. The continent of Europe cannot be occupied by an internal Tory party battle of who is the next leader of Great Britain.”

“This is a British problem,” he says, noting that the pound is tanking but not the Euro. “Britain has a bigger problem than the European Union.”

Boris Johnson makes his way to give post-Brexit speech
Boris Johnson, one of the leading Leave campaigners, has left his house in London to give a speech following the outcome of the referendum vote.

He was reportedly booed as he left his home and got into a waiting car to travel to Vote Leave's headquarters near Westminster.

Donald Trump: Brexit vote is 'a great thing'
Donald Trump, the US presidential hopeful, has arrived in the UK and said he is "very happy" about the Brexit vote.

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said it is a "great thing" that the people of the UK have "taken back their country" in voting to leave the EU, as he touched down at his golf resort in Scotland, Simon Johnson writes.

The billionaire arrived in his "Trump" emblazoned helicopter at the Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire to officially open the revamped resort he bought in 2014, just an hour after Prime Minister David Cameron said he intended to stand down in October.

He gave a thumbs-up as he left his helicopter and shook hands with workers on his way to the hotel before making the comments about the EU referendum result.

Donald Trump is in the UK
Donald Trump is in the UK CREDIT: AP
He said: “I think it's a great thing that happened, an amazing vote, very historic. We're very happy. Asked why people voted for Brexit, he said: “People are angry. All over the world they're angry.”

Asked if he took heart from the result for his own campaign, Mr Trump said: “We're doing very well in the United States and essentially the same thing is happening in the United States.

“They are angry over borders, they are angry over people coming into the country and taking over and nobody even noticing. They are angry about many, many things.”

Asked to specify where people were angry, he said: “The UK, the US, many other places. It will not be the last.”

The billionaire mogul predicted the divisions caused by the referendum would “heal” and said it would bode well for his campaign.

“You know I said this would happen. I think it is a great thing. We will see but I think it will be a great thing. Basically, they took their country back,” he said.

Which voters backed a Brexit?
Some key facts about who backed a Leave vote across the UK:

Just two of the top thirty areas for over 65s voted to Remain - South Lakeland in the North West and South Hams in the South West.
Only three areas where more than half of residents had a degree voted to leave - South Bucks, West Devon, and Malvern Hills in the West Midlands.
And just three of the top fifty areas DE class areas voted to Remain. Leicester, Liverpool and Newham in London were statistical anomalies because they are big cities with a high number of young voters.
Leave vote (%)
Older population (%)
How Brexit appealed to theolder generation
Brexit vote compared to proportion ofthose aged over 65; each pointrepresenting a local area
Source: ONS
More information here.

Jeremy Corbyn says he won't resign despite Brexit result
Labour's Jeremy Corbyn has said that he won't resign despite the UK deciding to leave the EU.

Jeremy Corbyn says he won't resign despite Brexit resultJeremy Corbyn says he won't resign despite Brexit resultPlay!00:53
More pictures of Cameron resigning
David Cameron resigns
David Cameron resigns
Samantha Cameron looks emotional
Samantha Cameron looks emotional
Mark Carney: Bank of England is ready for 'new' economy
The Bank of England governor Mark Carney has made the following statement:

"It will take some time for the UK to establish a new relationship with Europe and the rest of the world. So some market and economic volatility can be expected as this process unfolds, but we are well prepared for this. Her Majesty’s Treasury and the Bank of England have engaged in extensive contingency planning and the chancellor and I have remained in close contact including through the night and this morning. The Bank of England will not hesitate to take additional measure as required, as markets adjust.

Mark Carney: Bank of England is ready for 'new' economyMark Carney: Bank of England is ready for 'new' economyPlay!01:06
"The capital requirements of our largest banks are now 10 times higher than before the financial crisis. The Bank of England has stress-tested those banks against scenarios far more severe than our country currently faces. As a result of these actions UK banks have raised over a £130bn of new capital and now have more than £600bn of high quality liquid assets. That substantial capital and huge liquidity gives banks the flexibility they need to continue to lend to UK businesses and households even during challenging times.

Moreover, as a backstop to support the functioning of the markets the Bank of England stands ready to provide more than £250bn of additional funds through its normal market operations. The Bank of England is also able to provide substantial liquidity in foreign currency if requires. We expect institutions to draw on this funding if and when appropriate."

Could Corbyn be next to go?

'Worst day in post-war Britain'

Cameron 'takes his bat and ball home when he doesn't get his way'
A Tory party board member tells the Telegraph: "I knew David would resign, he always takes his bat and ball home when he doesn't get his own way.

"I am disappointed in him, especially after the letter of support from so many Brexit MP's and the call from many other MP's from both sides of the EU debate for unity after the campaign."

David Cameron resigns
David Cameron resigns
Brexit is just the beginning
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, French firebrand leftist MEP, said that France would have voted to the leave the EU if asked. "This is the end of a world that begins with this Brexit," he told France Info radio.

"This teaches a lesson to the whole of Europe - either we change it or we leave it. This is the time for a plan B."

He described the current EU as "dead, killed by privileges for the cast of Eurocrats, by permanent lies, by the politics of flexibility...Everyone has had enough."

He said that already the "five president of the EU" had started "the process of drawing up a new (EU) treaty".

"Once again, they are doing so in hiding. Once again leaders are not talking. I fear a domino effect."

"The daily reality of Europe doesn't correspond at all to what the EU tried to start 30 years ago at least. Germany must stop ceaselessly telling other peoples what's best for them. France must have some willpower and make proposals. It's not that much to ask to live ones life working and being paid in a dignified way, receiving healthcare and education. All this is cast into question with the EU."

Henry Samuel, France correspondent

Donald Tusk: 'There must be no hysteria over Brexit'
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, has appealed for calm and says the must be no "hysteria" about the British result.

There will be "no legal vacuum" and EU law will continue to apply until Britain formally leave.

There are serious "political consequences" for the UK but leaders are "prepared".

In a statement he says: "I would also like to reassure you that there will be no legal vacuum. Until the United Kingdom formally leaves the European Union, EU law will continue to apply to and within the UK.

Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council CREDIT: LAURENT DUBRULE
"The remaining 27 leaders will begin talks on Tuesday on the margins of the European Council.

"There's no hiding the fact that we wanted a different outcome of yesterday's referendum. I am fully aware of how serious, or even dramatic, this moment is politically. And there's no way of predicting all the political consequences of this event, especially for the UK.

"But this is not a moment for hysterical reactions. I want to reassure everyone that we are prepared also for this negative scenario. As you know the EU is not only a fair-weather project. "Over the past two days I have spoken to all the EU leaders, I mean Prime Ministers and Presidents as well as heads of the EU institutions, about the possibility of a Brexit. Today, on behalf of the twenty seven leaders I can say that we are determined to keep our unity as twenty seven.

"For all of us, the Union is the framework for our common future. I would also like to reassure you that there will be no legal vacuum. Until the United Kingdom formally leaves the European Union, EU law will continue to apply to and within the UK. "All the procedures for the withdrawal of the UK from the EU are clear and set out in the Treaties. In order to discuss the details of further proceedings, I have offered the leaders an informal meeting of the twenty seven in the margins of the European Council summit. And I will also propose to the leaders that we start a wider reflection on the future of our Union. "Finally, it's true that the past years have been the most difficult ones in the history of our Union. But I always remember what my Father used to tell me: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

J.K. Rowling says Scots may now back independence referendum
Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling has hinted that she may switch to supporting Scottish independence in a second referendum in the hope of keeping the country in the EU.

She suggests that many people who voted no in the last referendum could well switch sides.

Boris Johnson odds on to be next PM
Paddy Power have installed Boris Johnson as their 11/8 favourite to replace David Cameron as Prime Minister after he announced his resignation following the EU referendum result.

Mr Johnson is followed in the betting by Theresa May and Michael Gove who are available at 2/1 and 6/1 respectively.

Next Prime Minister after Cameron

11/8 Boris Johnson

2/1 Theresa May

6/1 Michael Gove

12/1 George Osborne

16/1 Jeremy Corbyn

20/1 Sajid Javid

20/1 Stephen Crabb

25/1 Dan Jarvis

25/1 Ruth Davidson

28/1 Jeremy Hunt

28/1 Philip Hammond

33/1 Nicky Morgan

40/1 Nigel Farage

Conservative MPs react to Cameron's resignation

'London will continue to be successful'
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan tries to inject some positive vibes into this morning's agenda.

Fallon: 'It's extremely sad news'
Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, told Radio 4's Today programme: "Of course it's extremely sad news and I would have preferred him to stay on to help make this decision work but it's his decision and I think it's the honourable and decent thing to do.

"He lost the argument in the referendum campaign and it does answer your question as to who is best placed to take this renegotiation forward." Mr Fallon added, however, that "it's too early to speculate" on who will replace Mr Cameron.

Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary
Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary CREDIT: SWNS
"What's important now is that we reassure the country, we stabilise the markets and the economy and we reassure our allies that Britain is not turning its back on the world," he added.

Theresa Villiers, the Northern Ireland secretary, added: "It's truly shocking news, it's deeply sad... I would very much have preferred David Cameron to have been steering this country through the next few years. I entirely respect his decision but I think it's a sad day for the country that he has decided to stand down."

Alex Salmond, the former Scottish First Minister, said the resignation was "inevitable".

Labour reaction to Cameron's resignation
Angela Smith, a Labour MP, tells the Telegraph: "Labour needs now to show that it can offer constructive opposition in what is going to be a period of terrible political and economic instability for the country.

"We need leadership that will do that and commit to the very difficult task of helping to unite a very seriously divided nation."

Cameron's voice breaks as he quits as PM
David Cameron's voice broke as he finished his speech, watched on by his wife Samantha.

So that's it: Mr Cameron has resigned as Prime Minister.

The Cabinet will meet on Monday and a timetable for him stepping down will be drawn up.

David Cameron resigns as Prime Minister
David Cameron has resigned as Prime Minister.

David Cameron resigns as Prime Minister
David Cameron resigns as Prime Minister CREDIT: ANDREW PARSONS / I-IMAGES
In a speech outside 10 Downing Street he said:

"The British people have voted to leave the EU and their will must be respected.

The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered.

There can be no doubt about the result.

Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made.

This will require strong, determined and committed leadership.

I am very proud to have been Prime Minister of this country for six years.

I have held nothing back.

I think the country requires fresh leadership.

I do not think I can be the captain to take the country to its next destination.

In my view I think we should have a new prime minister in place by the start of the Conservative conference in October."

55 Labour MPs sign letter calling for Corbyn to go

Is Cameron planning to resign as PM now?
There are now suggestions that David Cameron is planning to resign at 8am.

Hammond: Putin will feel less pressure this morning
Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, has called for talks with Britain's former EU partners to continue collaborating on security issues.

David Cameron previously warned that the world would be a less safe place if Britain left the EU.

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin CREDIT: AP
Mr Hammond said: "I don't want to overstate the case but I do think Britain has been a very positive influence in Europe on the security agenda. I do worry with Britain now having a hugely diminished voice we will see that resolve from our European partners waning."

On Vladimir Putin he said: "I suspect he will be feeling a little less pressure this morning and a little more upbeat."

Mr Hammond warned that Britain's voice would now be diminished within the EU as we prepare for our exit.

White House interim statement on Brexit
" The President has been briefed on the incoming returns in the UK referendum, and he will continue to be updated by his team as the situation warrants. We expect the President will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate."

Farage: The sun has risen on an independent UK
Ukip leader Nigel Farage calls for a Brexit government immediately to start negotiating UK's new place in the world.

Farage Makes Brexit Address: The sun has risen on an independent UKFarage Makes Brexit Address: The sun has risen on an independent UKPlay!01:14
Corbyn calls for Government to start EU withdrawal immediately
Jeremy Corbyn has provoked a furious backlash from Labour MPs after calling on the Government to immediately start the process of withdrawing from the European Union.

The Labour leader said that Article 50 needs to be "invoked now" in response to the EU referendum result because "many communities are fed up with cuts and economic dislocation.

Labour MPs, who repeatedly warned that Mr Corbyn was failing to do enough during the referendum campaign, said he was "absolutely crazy".

Jeremy Corbyn reacts to Leave resultJeremy Corbyn reacts to Leave resultPlay!00:20
It comes after a leaked Labour script claimed that Jeremy Corbyn is "uniquely placed as a critical Remainer" to help unify Britain in the wake of the referendum.

His comments led to accusations that he is "delusional" and led to open calls for him to quit.

Mr Corbyn said: "Article 50 needs to be invoked now. Many communities are fed up with cuts and very angry. The message is that many communities are fed up with cuts and economic dislocation. Clearly there are very difficult days ahead. There will be job consequences."

Steven Swinford, deputy political editor

A divided nation
This map shows the stark divisions between Scotland, Northern Ireland and London, which were pro-EU and the rest of England and Wales which were pro-Brexit.

The result now raises very serious questions about the future of the Union.

Corbyn: 'Very difficult days ahead'
Jeremy Corbyn has stopped short of calling for David Cameron to resign but said that "the Prime Minister has some very urgent tasks ahead of him".

In an interview with the BBC's David Dimbleby, he warned: "There are some very difficult days ahead. There will be job consequences because of this decision."

He added: "People are fed up with the cuts they have had and feel very angry about the way they have been marginalised by successive governments.

"Obviously there has to be a strategy but the whole point is that the public were asked to give an opinion, they gave an opinion and parliament must act upon that."

France: 'Europe continues but must rediscover confidence of the people'
Laurence Fabius, the French Foreign minister, says: "I am sad for the United Kingdom. Europe continues, but she must react and rediscover the confidence of the people. It is urgent."

Charles Michel, the Belgian prime minister, calls for a summit to relaunch the EU.

"I call for a conclave to reaffirm our commitment in July. We have to define our priorities and set out a new future for Europe."

Final voting tally announced
The final results have just been announced at Manchester Town Hall.

There were 33,577,342 votes cast with Remain securing 16,141,241 votes and Leave 17,410,742.

The EU referendum by numbersThe key results of the EU referendumPlay!01:08
How the South East and South West voted

Could Northern Ireland break away?

The media wait on Boris Johnson
This is the scene outside Boris Johnson's house this morning.

The media outside Boris Johnson's house
The media outside Boris Johnson's house CREDIT: PA
'Corbyn must go'
A Labour MP tells the Telegraph this morning: “Corbyn has to go. The referendum proved he is worse than even his worse critics said he would be. Even people who supported him have seen he is not up to it. He can't motivate Labour voters, let alone persuade anyone else. He can't handle a campaign or even manage to get a message across in an interview.

Jeremy Corbyn is under pressure to quit
Jeremy Corbyn is under pressure to quit CREDIT: AP
"But it is not just that he is incompetent and not up to the job: he has no ideas beyond the vacuous slogans he repeats. He hasn't set out a single serious policy since he became leader and the views he does have - like on immigration and free movement - are diametrically opposed to the public's.

Gibraltar's fears for the future
The Gibraltar Chronicle reports that the British territory voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, with Gibraltarians fearing that Brexit will antagonise already testy relations with Spain.

"Gibraltar voted by 19,322 votes to 823 to stay in the EU, meaning 96% of the electorate chose Remain," the newspaper says this morning.

The Rock of Gibraltar
Turnout was high at 84 per cent.

Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said: "This result demonstrates that the will of the people of Gibraltar is overwhelming to remain a part of the European Union. Gibraltar and the Gibraltarians, perhaps more so than many others have ‘skin in the game’ of staying a part of Europe. Europe matters to us and we demonstrate that tonight.”

So the overall vote to leave the EU will come as a bitter blow to the British territory.

Final results come in
The final results have come in and the nation voted 52% for leave, 48% for remain.

Schulz: EU must fight to avoid chain reaction
Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, said he would speak with German Chancellor Angela Merkel "on how we can avoid a chain reaction" of other EU states following.

"The chain reaction that is being celebrated everywhere now by euroskeptics won't happen," he said.

President of the European parliament Martin Schulz , left, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, right
President of the European parliament Martin Schulz , left, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, right CREDIT: AP
The EU was the biggest single market in the world and "Great Britain has just cut its ties with that market," Schulz said.

"That'll have consequences and I don't believe other countries will be encouraged to follow that dangerous path."

"I am not shocked," he said of the results of the British referendum, adding: "We were prepared."

Matthew Holehouse, Brussels Correspondent

Will Cameron hang on as Prime Minister?

Farage: I can't guarantee EU money will go on the NHS
Nigel Farage says it was a mistake for Vote Leave to say the UK would be able to spend £350m on the NHS after a Brexit.

Farage: I can't guarantee EU money will go on the NHSFarage: I can't guarantee EU money will go on the NHSPlay!01:19
Jeremy Corbyn pictured leaving his home
The Labour leader has been pictured leaving his Islington home this morning.

Jeremy Corbyn
'Huge disconnect' between Labour and voters
Labour MP Kate Hoey, the Leave campaigner, cast further doubt over the futures of both David Cameron and George Osborne, but admitted the result also exposed a "huge disconnect" in her party.

"I certainly do not want to see David Cameron leading the negotiations," she told the Radio 4's Today progamme. "We have to get someone who is genuinely committed to getting out."

She added: "At the moment George Osborne should be heavily criticised for the way he has handled this, the way he has scared the markets as we have seen today.

"But that will pass. Whether he will see that pass, I'm not so sure."

Ms Hoey admitted the election exposed a "huge disconnect" between her party's leadership and areas outside London.

"Some of us in Labour Leave have always said this would happen for some time....There is this huge disconnect in Labour areas certainly further out of London from the Labour leadership.

"All this discussion about what's happening with the Conservatives, there's also a big discussion about how we are going to win people back."

She added: "I think the Labour Party should have had a clearer view that they were quite happy for people to be campaigning on both sides and I'm disappointed Jeremy did not take that view. He was under huge pressure from his shadow cabinet."

Tom Morgan

UK is likely to lose its AAA credit rating
The chief ratings officer for credit agency Standard and Poor’s says the UK is likely to lose its AAA credit rating.

Moritz Kraemer told the Financial Times: “We think that a AAA-rating is untenable under the circumstances.”

Bank of England issues statement
"The Bank of England is monitoring developments closely. It has undertaken extensive contingency planning and is working closely with HM Treasury, other domestic authorities and overseas central banks. The Bank of England will take all necessary steps to meet its responsibilities for monetary and financial stability."

'Anti-EU contagion will spread'
La Stampa newspaper says there is now a profound risk of anti-EU contagion, with anti-Brussels sentiments spreading around the continent.

A recent poll found that 48 per cent of Italians would leave the EU if given the chance to vote in their own referendum.

"The United Kingdom has spoken. And its voice is being heard by the whole world," the daily says in an analysis piece this morning.

Nick Squires, Rome Correspondent

Russia predicts break-up of UK
Roland Oliphant, our Moscow Correspondent, reports on the reaction from Russia.

Much has been made of the Kremlin's supposed interest in Brexit, and now that it is happening some commentators here are pre-emptively pushing back at an anticipation blame being directed at Moscow.

"It looks like Britain is quitting the EU. Will they play the song "It's all Putin's fault?" Or will they analyse the problems of the EU this time?" tweeted Vladimir Soloviev, a popular television presenter who is generally considered loyal to the Kremlin line.

Meanwhile, media have focussed on the further breakup of Britain and even the EU and the growth of far right nationalism across the continent.

"British media are certain: at this rate the UK will leave the EU, but that could threaten the break up of the country itself," reported Russia's Vesti state television channel.

Brendan Cox speaks out on EU referendum result
The husband of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox has tweeted this about the EU referendum.

'This has to be a Brexit government'
Eurosceptic Tory MP John Redwood tells ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “This has to be a Brexit government.”

But he avoided questions about who he would like to see as Prime Minister.

Cameron to address the nation shortly
The Telegraph's parliamentary sketchwriter Michael Deacon is outside 10 Downing Street waiting for David Cameron's imminent address to the nation.

Ireland is not happy

How the North West voted

How the West Midlands voted

Oh right...

Memo to Labour MPs revealed
This memo from Labour HQ is going around the party's MPs this morning to give them advice on what to say post-Brexit.

Brexit night in pictures
If, unlike me, you haven't been up all night watching every cough and spit of the EU referendum count, check out our picture gallery which shows you the highlights from the last few hours.

David Cameron to speak shortly
The Prime Minister will speak in the next few minutes and is expected to call for "stability and unity".

Latest: Netherlands call for EU referendum
Geert Weilders, the Dutch parliamentary party leader, has called for the Netherlands to hold a referendum on its EU membership.

This is how the Eastern area voted

This is how London voted

'EU must eat some humble pie'
Nigel Evans MP told the Telegraph in Manchester he believes David Cameron should stay on as Prime Minister and that European leaders will need to eat some "humble pie."

He said: "If it wasn't for David Cameron we wouldn't of had this referendum. So thank you David. We on the Leave side have as much faith in this country as he did at the beginning of the campaign. I hope he will stay on as Prime Minister and just focus on what we need to do to quietly dismantle the machinery of the European Union so we can act as an independent country.

Nigel Evans MP
"I don't think he'll need to go back and eat humble pie, the people who do need to eat humble pie are President Tusk, President Junker and Angela Merkel and a few of the others who weren't prepared to offer Great Britain what the really needed.

"If I was them I would start to worry about what they need to do to keep Denmark, Holland and a number of other countries on board."

Germany: 'No special treatment for Britain'
Manfred Weber, a senior German conservative MEP and a close ally of Angela Merkel, has warned Britain will receive "no special treatment" and must leave the EU within two years.

He writes in four tweets: "We respect and regret the decision of the British voters. It causes major damage to both sides.

Manfred Weber, a senior German conservative MEP and a close ally of Angela Merkel
Manfred Weber, a senior German conservative MEP and a close ally of Angela Merkel CREDIT: EPA
"This was a British vote, not a European vote. Co-operation within Europe is a question of self-assertion of the continent.

"We want a better and smarter Europe. We have to convince the people and bring Europe back to them.

"Exit negotiations should be concluded within two years at max. There cannot be any special treatment. Leave means leave."

Spilt milk
The singer Boy George has offered these comforting workers to any Remainers who feel sad and worried this morning.

How eurosceptic is your area?

Boris's dad on whether his son will be the next PM
Stanley Johnson says he was wrong - and Boris was right - on the Brexit debate.

Boris's dad on whether his son will be the next PMBoris's dad on whether his son will be the next PMPlay!00:34
'Government must stabilise the economy'
John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor, has given his reaction to this morning's news.

John McDonnell
John McDonnell
“People will be waking up this morning to turmoil in the markets and the pound crashing, and fearing the emergency budget the Chancellor threatened to hike their taxes and cut public services.

“The Government must now take steps to stabilise the economy, and to protect jobs, pensions and wages. Labour will not allow any instability to be paid for by the working people of this country”

'The months ahead are going to be a nervy time'
Simon Walker, Director General of the Institute of Directors, said: “While this may not have been the result that the majority of our members wanted, Britain has voted to leave the EU, and it is now imperative that our political leaders manage the transition as smoothly as possible. The weeks and months ahead are going to be a nervy time for business leaders, so they need to know that the Government is focussed on maintaining stability while a new relationship with the EU is established.

Simon Walker
Simon Walker
“British businesses are resilient and, with their characteristic ingenuity, they will weather this storm. It is now beholden on politicians to negotiate a deal with European leaders which preserves the ability of British firms to trade easily with the remaining member states. Even once we have left, the EU will continue to be our biggest trading partner, and the first destination for many companies when they start to export. One thing the Government must do immediately is to guarantee the right to remain of EU citizens currently in the UK. Companies do not want to have to worry about losing valued staff.”

How the nation turned out to vote

'Independence day'

'33million people made a democratic decision'
Gisela Stuart, Vote leave campaigner and Labour MP, has addressed Manchester Town Hall this morning.

She says: "We have just taken control. 33 million people went to the ballot box and made a democratic decision. They reflected on our 40 year history and by a majority they have decided to leave.

"I think that is democracy at work."

Gisela Stuart speaks German after EU leave resultGisela Stuart speaks German after EU leave resultPlay!01:27
She says what happens now "has to be a cross party effort and we have a responsibility to act in the best long term interests of this country."

In German she says: "Britain is an open and welcoming society. We'll continue to co-operate with European countries."

Brexit, as illustrated by your Telegraph cartoonists
Adams cartoon
Adams cartoon
Matt cartoon
Matt cartoon
Scotland and Northern Ireland to call for break away from union
We are now hearing that there will be statements from Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland and the SNP in Scotland calling for a break away from the United Kingdom.

EU referendum: Northern Ireland votes RemainEU referendum: Northern Ireland votes RemainPlay!01:38
EU referendum: Scotland votes RemainEU referendum: Scotland votes RemainPlay!00:49
This is how Northern Ireland voted

More on Cameron's departure

'We are not after Cameron's blood'
MEP David Campbell Bannerman tells me "we are not after David Cameron's blood" and he should stay on now as leader.

He says: "I don't see any reason why he (David Cameron) should step down. My own view is that he should stay and go forward to start the negotiations.

"He's got some form on this, he's got a lot of practice. I did joke with his advisors in Brussels that if it did come to this, he would actually have a head start because he's done it before.

"David Cameron delivered this referendum, he did the right thing, I don't see it as a verdict on him personally and we're not after his blood- I'm certainly not. I'd like to see some stability and see him take things forward but ensure we do negotiate with seriousness now.

"I'm so greatful to the British people for stranding up to all the scaremongering and the threats and the blackmail ... and just showing good British grit and common sense.

"This is an extraordinary result, it really was David vs Goliath stuff and David has won."

Laura Hughes, Political Correspondent

Deserted scenes at the Stronger In HQ
The good ship 'Stronger In For Britain' has been abandoned.

Cameron and Osborne will go in 'dignified exits'
The focus is now on whether David Cameron and George Osborne will resign.

In fact for many it is now a case of when rather than 'what if'.

'Scotland wants to remain a part of the EU'
Nicola Sturgeon has just spoken about Scotland's overwhelming support for remaining in the EU.

She said: "While the overall result remains to be declared, the vote here makes clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the European Union.

"We await the final UK-wide result, but Scotland has spoken - and spoken decisively."

Nicola Sturgeon
'It was all about immigration'
Ben Farmer speaks to activists in Lancaster about the key issues that swung the campaign to leave.

For the defeated Remain campaigners in Lancaster, there is no doubt about the campaign's most powerful issue.

Traditionally strong Labour working class estates strongly rejected the EU because of fears over immigration and jobs.

James Groves, referendum agent for the In campaign, said: "We are a very diverse district and in the Lancaster town part of it, a liberal university town, every single district voted to remain.

"Over the river in Morecambe and Lunesdale, pretty much every urban ward voted to leave.

"There's no doubt that the big swing was in wards which are solid Labour.

He went on: "It was all about immigration and jobs and I think we have to look at why that resonated so much."

'Scottish referendum would be dictated by Brexit'
The timescale for another Scottish referendum will be dictated by when and if David Cameron begins negotiations for Britain to withdraw from the EU, Alex Salmond has said.

Salmond: Scottish referendum would be dictated by BrexitSalmond: Scottish referendum would be dictated by BrexitPlay!00:25
Cameron and Corbyn could both lose their jobs
Simon Danczuk, the suspended Labour MP, tells the Telegraph in Manchester this morning that a vote Leave could see both David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn losing their respective positions of leadership.

Asked if he thinks Cameron can stay on as Prime Minister, he says: "I think he'll struggle actually- I think he'll have to go.

"But there's just a big a question over Jeremy's leadership because part of the postmortem is doing to be about asking 'why did we lose?' A good proportion of the vote which should have kept us in should have been Labour voters which Jeremy failed to convert into Remainers."

David Cameron
He says if there's a snap general election the party will let Corbyn lose and then mount a leadership challenge.

"It will be all about timing won't it", he says. "If we are working towards a general election, the appetite in the parliamentary Labour Party will be to let Jeremy fight it, lose it, which he surely will- and then we will choose a new leader."

He says the Labour leader has had "a very mediocre campaign really and our core voters in the North don't connect with him and that's not helped matters."

A good swathe of people who should have been voting to stay in, because that's better for the economy and their jobs, have voted against the mainstream parties.

"I think it's a failure of politicians to not confront the issues continually raised on the doorsteps. Ed Miliband would not address immigration, Gordon Brown when he was Prime Minister was told not to talk about immigration, you can't keep doing that and expect the public not to go in the opposite direction."

This is how Scotland voted
There is a clear divide between how Scotland and England voted.

Britain votes to LEAVE the European Union
The Telegraph is now calling it for a Leave victory.

The BBC, Sky News and ITV News have also declared in the same way.

Dawn breaks behind the Houses of Parliament and the statue of Winston Churchill in Westminster
Dawn breaks behind the Houses of Parliament and the statue of Winston Churchill in Westminster CREDIT: REUTERS/STEFAN WERMUTH
A record turnout
The Chief Counting Officer for the EU referendum, Jenny Watson has announced the official turnout at the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union from Manchester Town Hall.

The verified ballot paper totals for all three hundred and eighty two voting areas have been submitted and approved by Regional Counting Officers.

Across the UK and Gibraltar, Counting Officers have verified that a total of 33,568,184 ballot papers will be included in the count for the referendum.

Based on a confirmed electorate of 46,500,001 turnout at the referendum was 72.2%

Southampton votes Leave
EU referendum: Southampton votes LeaveEU referendum: Southampton votes LeavePlay!00:30
Birmingham votes LEAVE
Birmingham has voted to leave the European Union in Thursday's membership referendum.

EU referendum: Birmingham votes LeaveEU referendum: Birmingham votes LeavePlay!00:18
National turnout 72.2%
In Manchester it's just been announced that total turnout is 72.2% with 33,568,184 people having voted.

Leave only need 46% of remaining votes to win
The Leave campaign only need to win 46% of the remaining votes to win, according to Reuters.

More than 70% of votes have now been counted.

ITV News call Leave victory
ITV News has now called a victory for Leave.

There are just 77 areas to declare and Leave have swept up more than 13 million of the 16.8 million votes needed to win.

Where are the europhiles of Wales?
Ceredigion, in West Wales, was ranked by YouGov as the most europhilic region in the UK - it is one of three Welsh regions to back Remain so far, with 54.6 percent. This figure is far lower than expected and shows just how badly Wales as a whole has rejected the EU. The area was set to receive over €1000 per person from the EU development fund by 2014-20.

Daniel Dunford, Data Reporter

Nigel Farage: 'Brexit without a single bullet being fired'
Here is a longer extract from Nigel Farage's controversial 'victory' speech:

"If the predications now are right this will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people, a victory for decent people. We have fought against the multinationals, against the big merchant banks, against big politics, against lies against lies, corruption and deceit and today honesty and decency and belief in nation I think now is going to win.

We will have done it without having to fight, without a single bullet having been fired.

I hope this victory brings down this failed projects and brings us to a Europe of sovereign nation states trading together.

Let June the 23rd go down in our history as our independence day."

Hilary Benn: Cameron will have to resign
Hilary Benn, the shadow foreign secretary, says David Cameron must resign if the UK votes to leave.

"If there were to be a vote to Leave, then as far as the Prime Minister is concerned I don’t see how he is going to remain in his job for very long at all.

I think it’s very hard for him in those circumstances to remain. If you are the prime minister, you’ve called this referendum, you’ve laid your reputation on the line and your arguments, I think it’s going to be very hard."

Hilary Benn
Bristol votes REMAIN
A small comfort for the Remain camp which is trailing Leave by more than 589,000 votes now.

There are 109 results left to declare.

EU referendum: Bristol votes RemainEU referendum: Bristol votes RemainPlay!00:43
Alastair Campbell: We are in uncharted territory
Former Downing Street spin doctor Alastair Campbell has said the UK is entering "uncharted territory" as it looks likely that the country has voted to leave the European Union.

Alastair Campbell: We are in uncharted territoryAlastair Campbell: We are in uncharted territoryPlay!00:50
'Long term uncertainty awaits'
We are starting to get reaction from elsewhere as the rest of the world begins to wake up.

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt called the results so far "beyond comprehension".

He believes we can expect "long term uncertainty":

And had this to say about sterling:

Results for West Oxfordshire
Result for West Oxfordshire, including David Cameron's Witney constituency:

Leave: 30,435

Remain: 35,236

Turnout: 79.72%

Nottingham votes to LEAVE
Nottingham has voted to leave in a tight vote.

Nottingham may have the highest youth population in the UK (one in three voters are aged under 25), but that doesn't necessarily make it such a disappointing loss for Remain. It's also got some of the worst figures for employment and a low proportion of upper class voters.

How does Nottinghamcompare to the rest of theUK
Ranked compared to 382 other UK votingareas
Young people
University educated
AB class

Lancaster bellwether votes LEAVE
37,309 votes to 35,732 - that's 51.054% for Brexit

Farage claims victory secured 'without a bullet being fired'
Nigel Farage is claiming victory, arguing it has been achieved "without a bullet being fired", a comment which has left some people shocked in light of the recent murder of Labour MP Jo Cox.

Jo Cox
This is just some of the reaction on Twitter:

Nigel Farage: Cameron should resign 'immediately' if Leave wins
Ukip leader Nigel Farage says David Cameron should resign "immediately" if he loses the referendum.

Vote Leave look to call into question PM's position
A senior Vote Leave source has told the Telegraph this morning: "As Vote Leave we felt the day was with us from the early dawn on the doorsteps as we dreamed of Independence.

"Should Vote Leave secure this, it will bring in to call the position of the Prime Minister and whether he can remain in post."

David Cameron
David Cameron CREDIT: AFP
Leave hits 10 million votes
Leave has now won 10 million votes. It needs 16.8 million to declare victory.

They have 51.1% of the vote so far.

Attentions are already to turning David Cameron's career

Gloomy faces in Lancaster
About 15 minutes away from the result in the bellwether of Lancaster and there are gloomy faces in the Remain camp. The news from around the country is grim enough for them, but one source says they now fear in the last hour that the Leave camp has edged ahead in the local count.

The pro-European votes from Lancaster itself seem to have been more than countered by pro-Brexit votes from nearby Morecambe.

Ben Farmer, in Lancaster

'Biggest uprising since Peasants Revolt in 1381'
Our chief political correspondent Christopher Hope puts the referendum into historical context.

The 2016 EU referendum is set to the biggest uprising against the people who run the UK since the Peasants Revolt in 1381.

Britain's bosses, politicians, church leaders, sports stars, bankers, economists and celebrities told the people to vote to Remain in the UK.

And (by the look of it now) the people sent back a massive V sign. Democracy indeed.

The people can enjoy the V sign for victory just as Winton Churchill did here in this picture
The people can enjoy the V sign for victory just as Winton Churchill did here in this picture CREDIT: AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Nigel Farage is feeling more confident
For those of you who have been following this blog since the polls closed, you will recall Nigel Farage calling it for remain, then retracting it and conceding they might win for a second time. Now he's feel more confident that his own camp is going to claim victory.

Labour now assume Leave win
Labour is now working on the assumption that Leave is going to win, a party source has told The Guardian.

The newspaper reports that Labour HQ is weighing up whether Jeremy Corbyn should call for David Cameron's resignation in the event of a Brexit, but senior figures are reportedly saying the move "may prove unnecessary" as Mr Cameron may resign anyway.

EU referendum results reveal a divided country

The EU referendum results are revealing a divided country: with the euroscepticism of England contrasting the pro-EU results of Scotland and London.

Areas of the East Midlands and Eastern England so far have the strongest Leave votes - with Boston and Castle Point topping the list so far.

Meanwhile, London has been home to the highest Remain votes - excluding the 96 per cent vote in Gibraltar.

Read Ashley Kirk's full analysis of the results.

Vote Leave 'cautiously optimistic'
Laura Hughes is in Manchester where the final result will be announced. She has this report.

Matthew Elliott, the chief executive of Vote Leave, says he is feeling "cautiously optimistic" this morning.

He says: "It's looking good for us. We went into the evening optimistic we could do this."

He says Vote Leave had always said they would wait for people to stop voting before jumping to any conclusions.

"We are not calling it yet", he says. "There's still a long way to go and we have to wait for the results in London but at the moment it is looking pretty good."

Manchester Town Hall tonight
Manchester Town Hall tonight CREDIT: PA
He says they haven't bought a lot of the polls that put Remain ahead and that a lot of "anecdotal evidence" from campaigning has been "very positive" for Vote Leave.

Asked about the panic over sterling, he insists there is "less panic than people are suggesting".

In the event of a Leave vote, he says he doesn't think Article 50 would be triggered today and will "be delayed" because David Cameron is "a sensible person he would like to talk to cabinet colleagues and other states before doing anything."



24 Jun 2016, 9:40am
EU referendum live: David Cameron resigns as UK shocks the world by voting for Brexit
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EU referendum results and maps: Full breakdown and find out how your area voted
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EU referendum: Boris Johnson and Michael Gove prepare 'dream team' to lead a Brexit government
24 Jun 2016, 5:02am
EU referendum results live: Brexit wins as Britain votes to leave European Union
24 Jun 2016, 4:45pm
What happens now the UK has voted Brexit - and what is Article 50?

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