Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts


This article was previously published under Q306832

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This article was written about products for which Microsoft no longer offers support. Therefore, this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated.


This article lists the keyboard shortcut keys for Internet Explorer 5.5.


You can use shortcut keys to view and explore Web pages, preview pages before you print them, use the Address box, work with favorites, and edit.How to View and Explore Web Pages With Shortcut KeysTo view and explore Web pages with shortcut keys:

To do this Press this key ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Display Internet Explorer Help or to F1 display context Help about an item in a dialog box Toggle between full-screen and other F11 views in the browser Move forward through the items on a TAB Web page, the Address box, or the Links box Move through the items on a Web page, SHIFT+TAB the Address box, or the Links box Go to your Home page ALT+HOME Go to the next page ALT+RIGHT ARROW Go to the previous page ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE Display a shortcut menu for a link SHIFT+F10 Move forward between frames CTRL+TAB or F6 Move back between frames SHIFT+CTRL+TAB Scroll toward the beginning of a UP ARROW document Scroll toward the end of a document DOWN ARROW Scroll toward the beginning of a PAGE UP document in larger increments Scroll toward the end of a document PAGE DOWN in larger increments Move to the beginning of a document HOME Move to the end of a document END Find on this page CTRL+F Refresh the current Web page F5 or CTRL+R Refresh the current Web page, even if CTRL+F5 the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same Stop downloading a page ESC Go to a new location CTRL+O or CTRL+L Open a new window CTRL+N Close the current window CTRL+W Save the current page CTRL+S Print the current page or active frame CTRL+P Activate a selected link ENTER Open the Search box CTRL+E Open the Favorites box CTRL+I Open the History box CTRL+H In the History or Favorites boxes, CTRL+click open multiple folders

How to Print Preview With Shortcut KeysTo Print Preview Web pages with shortcut keys:

To do this Press this key ---------------------------------------------------------- Set printing options and print the page ALT+P Change paper, headers and footers, ALT+U orientation, and margins for this page Display the first page to be printed ALT+HOME Display the previous page to be printed ALT+LEFT ARROW Type the number of the page that you ALT+A want displayed Display the next page to be printed ALT+RIGHT ARROW Display the last page to be printed ALT+END Zoom out ALT+MINUS Zoom in ALT+PLUS Display a list of zoom percentages ALT+Z Close Print Preview ALT+C

How to Use the Address Box With Shortcut KeysTo use the Address box with shortcut keys:

To do this Press this key ----------------------------------------------------------- Select the text in the Address box ALT+D Display a list of addresses that you F4 have typed When in the Address box, move the cursor CTRL+LEFT ARROW left to the next logical break in the address (period or slash) When in the Address box, move the cursor CTRL+RIGHT ARROW right to the next logical break in the address (period or slash) Add "www." to the beginning and ".com" CTRL+ENTER to the end of the text that you type in the Address box Move forward through the list of UP ARROW AutoComplete matches Move back through the list of DOWN ARROW AutoComplete matches

How to Work With Favorites By Using Shortcut KeysTo work with Favorites by using shortcut keys:

To do this Press this key --------------------------------------------------------- Add the current page to your favorites CTRL+D Open the Organize Favorites dialog box CTRL+B Move selected item up in the Favorites ALT+UP ARROW list in the Organize Favorites dialog box Move selected item down in the ALT+DOWN ARROW Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box

How to Edit With Shortcut KeysTo edit with shortcut keys:

To do this Press this key -------------------------------------------------------- Remove the selected items and copy them CTRL+X to the Clipboard Copy the selected items to the Clipboard CTRL+C Insert the contents of the Clipboard at CTRL+V the selected location Select all items on the current Web page CTRL+A

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained herein is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.


Article ID: 306832 - Last Review: 07/02/2010 06:56:00 - Revision: 3.0

Keywords:kbenv kbinfo KB306832


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