Free Domain name with Hosting for 1 year

Free Domain name with Hosting for 1 year

What if i tell you at the end of this post you will be getting a free top level domain name for 1 year and 10 gb hosting for 6 months. I know buying a domain name and hosting is not a matter of big money but most of us couldn’t buy them as we have no source of online payment. And then we search for free offers to get free domain and hosting and unluckily we don’t get any. But it’s not same day everyday, today you are going to get Free Domain name with Hosting for 1 year without any hassle.

STEP 1 : 

Select your plan windows or Linux hosting

Free Windows Web Hosting includes :
10 GB of web space
1 free domain name ( .com / .eu/ .fr/ .net/ .org/ .biz/ .info/ .us)
5 MySQL (500 MB) + 1 SQL Server (150 MB)
PHP5, ASP.NET 4, Ajax, Silverlight
Unlimited FTP accounts
Unlimited traffic
500 email accounts (2 GB)
1000 sub domains
Link :

Free Linux Web Hosting includes :
10 GB of web space
1 free domain name (.com / .eu/ .fr/ .net/ .org/ .biz/ .info/ .us)
5 MySQL databases (200 MB/DB)
Unlimited FTP accounts
Unlimited traffic
500 email accounts (1 GB/email)
Unlimited sub domains
Link :

STEP 2 :

Enter your domain name and choose your Desired domain extension from the drop down menu. And click on “Check Your Domain Name”



STEP 3 :

If it shows that the domain is available then click on “Order your pack and your domain for free” and if it shows unavailable then check for another domain until it shows available.


STEP 4 :

Select the “Personal Account” and fill it with your real information as we need to send them our Scan copy of Govt. ID card.


After you fill in the info , tick the I accept and click on Register.



STEP 5 :

Tick the “Use DNS Hosting Service” and then click on “Continue to Next Step” as shown in the Screenshot.




Select billing cycle for 6 month and configure the other two options as stated in the screenshot.




Now you will get a confirmation of your order and a link to proceed to your ControlPanel.



If you visit the Control Panel it will show like this


But wait you need to validate your account by sending a Scan copy of Govt. photo ID card.


You will get an email from Ikoula as shown in the screenshot below, just send an email to with attached Scan copy of Govt. photo ID card.

For Indians : They can Send their Aadhaar Card / License / Passport / Voter’s ID Card.

For Nepalese : They can Send their Citizenship / License / Passport.

For Worldwide : Any of Government issued photo ID card that includes both of your address and photo.



After you send your Govt. photo ID card you will recieve 2-3 emails within 12 hours and one of them will be including your new account information.


Thanks for reading this post, stay calm and close for more awesome posts in the future.

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