HTML Cheat Sheet


HTML Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet - or HTML code quick reference - lists the common HTML tags and their attributes, grouped into relevant sections in an easy-to-read format.

What is html? What are tags? - Perhaps check out the what is html section first :-)

Basic HTML StructureHelp Help | Top Top

<title>website title</title>
content of website ...

The BasicsHelp Help | Top Top
<h?> ... </h?>Heading (?= 1 for largest to 6 for smallest, eg h1)
<p> ... </p>Paragraph of Text
<b> ... </b>Bold Text
<a href="url"> ... </a>Basic Link

Text FormattingHelp Help | Top Top
<h?> ... </h?>Heading (?= 1 for largest to 6 for smallest, eg h1)
<b> ... </b>Bold Text
<i> ... </i>Italic Text
<u> ... </u>Underline Text
<strike> ... </strike>Strikeout
<sup> ... </sup>Superscript - Smaller text placed below normal text
<sub> ... </sub>Subscript - Smaller text placed below normal text
<small> ... </small>Small - Fineprint size text
<tt> ... </tt>Typewriter Text
<pre> ... </pre>Pre-formatted Text
<blockquote> ... </blockquote>Text Block Quote
<strong> ... </strong>Strong - Shown as Bold in most browsers
<em> ... </em>Emphasis - Shown as Italics in most browsers
<font> ... </font>Font tag obsolete, use CSS. (*)

Section DivisionsHelp Help | Top Top
<div> ... </div>Division (or Section) of Page Content
<p> ... </p>Paragraph of Text
<br>Line Break
<hr>Basic Horizontal Line
<hr> Tag Attributes:
size="?"Line Thickness in pixels
width="?"Line Width in pixels
width="??%"Line Width as a percentage
color="#??????"Line Colour (*)
align="?"Horizontal Alignment: left, center, right (*)
noshadeNo 3D cut-out
<nobr> ... </nobr>Line Break

ImagesHelp Help | Top Top
<img src="url" alt="text">Basic Image
<img> Tag Attributes:
src="url"URL or filename of image (required!)
alt="text"Alternate Text (required!)
align="?"Image alignment within surrounding text (*)
width="??"Image width (in pixels or %)
height="??"Image height (in pixels or %)
border="??"Border thickness (in pixels) (*)
vspace="??"Space above and below image (in pixels) (*)
hspace="??"Space on either side of image (in pixels) (*)

Linking TagsHelp Help | Top Top
<a href="url"> link text</a>Basic Link
<a> Tag Attributes:
href="url"Location (url) of page to link to.
name="??"Name of link (name of anchor, or name of bookmark)
target="?"Link target location: _self, _blank, _top, _parent.
href="url#bookmark"Link to a bookmark (defined with name attribute).
href="mailto:email"Link which initiates an email (dependant on user's email client).

ListsHelp Help | Top Top
<ol> ... </ol>Ordered List
<ul> ... </ul>Un-ordered List
<li> ... </li>List Item (within ordered or unordered)
<ol type="?">Ordered list type: A, a, I, i, 1
<ol start="??">Ordered list starting value
<ul type="?">Unordered list bullet type: disc, circle, square
<li value="??">List Item Value (changes current and subsequent items)
<li type="??">List Item Type (changes only current item)
<dl> ... </dl>Definition List
<dt> ... </dt>Term or phrase being defined
<dd> ... </dd>Detailed Definition of term

TablesHelp Help | Top Top
<table> ... </table>Define a Table
<table> Tag Attributes:
border="?"Thickness of outside border
bordercolor="#??????"Border Colour
cellspacing="?"Space between cells (pixels)
cellpadding="?"Space between cell wall and content
align="??"Horizontal Alignment: left, center, right (*)
bgcolor="#??????"Background Colour (*)
width="??"Table Width (pixels or %) (*)
height="??"Table Height (pixels or %) (*)
<tr> ... </tr>Table Row within table
<th> ... </th>Header Cell within table row
<td> ... </td>Table Cell within table row
<td> Tag Attributes:
colspan="?"Number of columns the cell spans across (cell merge)
rowspan="?"Number of row a cell spans across (cell merge)
width="??"Cell Width (pixels or %) (*)
height="??"Cell Height (pixels or %) (*)
bgcolor="#??????"Background Colour (*)
align="??"Horizontal Alignment: left, center, right (*)
valign="??"Vertical Alignment: top, middle, bottom (*)
nowrapForce no line breaks in a particular cell

FramesHelp Help | Top Top
<frameset> ... </frameset>Define the set of Frames
<frameset> Tag Attributes:
rows="??,??, ..."Define row sizes & number of rows (size in pixels or %)
cols="??,??, ..."Define column sizes & number of columns (size in pixels or %)
noresize="noresize"User cannot resize any frames in frameset
<frame> ... </frame>Define a frame within the frameset
<frame> Tag Attributes:
src="url"Location of HTML File for a frame
name="***"Unique name of frame window
marginwidth="?"Horizontal margin spacing inside frame (pixels)
marginheight="?"Vertical margin spacing inside frame (pixels)
noresize="noresize"Declare all frameset sizes as fixed
scrolling="***"Can the user scroll inside the frame: yes, no, auto
frameborder="?"Frame Border: (1=yes, 2=no)
bordercolor="#??????"Border Colour (*)
<noframes> ... </noframes>Unframed content (for browsers not supporting frames)

FormsHelp Help | Top Top
<form> ... </form>Form input group decleration
<form> Tag Attributes:
action="url"URL of Form Script
method="***"Method of Form: get, post
enctype="***"For File Upload: enctype="multipart/form-data"
<input> ... </input>Input field within form
<input> Tag Attributes:
type="***"Input Field Type: text, password, checkbox, submit etc.
name="***"Form Field Name (for form processing script)
value="***"Value of Input Field
size="***"Field Size
maxlength="?"Maximum Length of Input Field Data
checkedMark selected field in radio button group or checkbox
<select> ... </select>Select options from drop down list
<select> Tag Attributes:
name="***"Drop Down Combo-Box Name (for form processing script)
size="?"Number of selectable options
multipleAllow multiple selections
<option> ... </option>Option (item) within drop down list
<option> Tag Attributes:
value="***"Option Value
selectedSet option as default selected option
<textarea> ... </textarea>Large area for text input
<textarea> Tag Attributes:
name="***"Text Area Name (for form processing script)
rows="?"Number of rows of text shown
cols="?"Number of columns (characters per rows)
wrap="***"Word Wrapping: off, hard, soft

Special CharactersHelp Help | Top Top
&lt;< - Less-Than Symbol
&gt;> - Greater-Than Symbol
&amp;& - Ampersand, or 'and' sign
&quot;" - Quotation Mark
&copy;© - Copyright Symbol
&trade; - Trademark Symbol
&nbsp;  - A space (non-breaking space)
&#??;ISO 8859-1 character - replace ?? with the iso code

Miscellaneous TagsHelp Help | Top Top
<!-- ... -->Comment within HTML source code
<!DOCTYPE html ... >Document Type Definition (wiki)
<meta> ... </meta>META information tag
<meta> Tag Attributes:
name="***"Meta name: description, keywords, author
http-equiv="***"HTTP Equivalent Info: title, etc.
content="***"Information content
<link>LINK content relationship tag
<link> Tag Attributes:
rel="***"Type of forward relationship
http="url"Location (URL) of object or file being linked
type="***"Type of object or file, eg: text/css
title="***"Link title (optional)

Body Background & ColoursHelp Help | Top Top
<body> Tag Attributes:
background="url"Background Image (*)
bgcolor="#??????"Background Colour (*)
text="#??????"Document Text Colour (*)
link="#??????"Link Colour (*)
vlink="#??????"Visited Link Colour (*)
alink="#??????"Active Link Colour (*)
bgproperties="fixed"Background Properties - "Fixed" = non-scrolling watermark (*)
leftmargin="?"Side Margin Size in Pixels (Internet Explorer) (*)
topmargin="?"Top Margin Size in Pixels (Internet Explorer) (*)

(*) Important Note:

Tags marked with (*) should still work, but have been superseded by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which is now the recommended way to change the font, colour, spacing, border or alignment of HTML elements

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