How To Get 100,000 Page Views Per Month On Your Blog or Website – Guest Post

I want to share with you how I took my brand new blog from zero to over 100,000 page views per month in just nine months—and how you can too. Personally, I wasted way too much money and months of work on useless SEO software and get-rich-quick Internet marketing advice. None of it helped.

The truth is when I took my blog from zero to over 100,000 page views per month that fast, I did it for free! That’s right—I didn’t spend a single penny on traffic or backlinks (other than 2–3 paid blog directories which I wouldn’t use if I had to do it over again).

So how did I do it?

Focus On Real Traffic

I’m sure you’ve probably read other blogs out there that give you marketing and traffic advice. Hey, they’ll even give you a list of 8,000 things you can do today to get traffic for your blog. The problem is that you don’t need eight thousand ways to get traffic—you really just need two or three. In fact, if you look at just about ANY major blog out there, they all get over 75% of their traffic from three sources: Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

So it makes sense to me that if you’re going to focus on getting more blog traffic, you should focus on these three sources—and not waste your time with the other 7,997 free ways to get traffic to your blog.

Traffic From Google

The majority of my traffic came from Google, 52%, to be exact. How did I get a brand new site to get so much search engine traffic so quickly?

I focused on guest blogging. Now, you’ve probably heard of guest blogging before. But I do it in a very specific way I call my ‘guest blogging system.’

And the system is specifically designed so that you only focus on getting links from high quality blogs (like Think Entrepreneurship). I see too many bloggers make the mistake of writing guest posts for sites that have very little link value, or even worse, they write guest posts for spam sites that actually HURT their site.

How do you know if a site is worth writing a guest post for?

I always looks for sites that have a Google PageRank of two or higher, and an Alexa Rank of 900,000 or less. Also, I look over the site and make sure it looks legitimate. Any site with spammy looking content or ads, I just ignore.

Anyway, you can see the entire guest blogging system here for free with a lot more detailed instructions on how to do it.

And the great thing about guest blogging is that it’s 100% free!

Facebook Traffic

Here’s how I get traffic from Facebook:

1. Use A Fan Page

You should have a fan page for your blog and post regular content. People respond best to pictures on Facebook so make sure you post a lot of great, interesting pictures.

2. Use Facebook Comments

I HIGHLY recommend using Facebook comments. When one of my posts go viral, it’s often because of my Facebook comments system.

3. Use Facebook ‘Like’ Buttons

You should have a Facebook ‘Like’ button on your blog posts, preferably at the top.

4. Use A Facebook ‘Like’ Box

Facebook Like Box - Tom Corson-Knowles

You should use a Facebook ‘Like’ Box on your sidebar. I put mine just under the opt-in box and ‘Subscribe to RSS’ button. This helps give your site added credibility as well as an increase in fans.

Twitter Traffic

For Twitter, I use TweetAdder. It’s the only automated software I use and I’ve found it extremely effective in helping me drive traffic to my blog and automate Twitter. I used to waste hours each day Tweeting; now I spend less than 15 minutes a day and get at least 100 visitors to my blog from Twitter daily.

I also use a WordPress plugin called ‘TweetMeMe’ to add a nice Twitter button at the top of each of my blog posts.

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