GOLIATH - News & Reviews Magazine Template wordpress

Theme Documentation

Author: Planetshine
Support: Support Forums
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If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please contact us via our support forums.
Please note that we only provide support in case of errors in our product or to advise you about using our product’s features.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing the theme

  2. Creating homepage and blog pages

  3. Installing required plugins

  4. Accessing theme settings

  5. Uploading your custom logo

  6. Setting up menu

  7. Setting up homepage

  8. Uploading sample content

  9. Custom Visual Composer elements

  10. Shortcodes

  11. Setting up and using Ads

  12. Featured posts

  13. Popular posts

  14. Reviews

  15. Galleries

  16. Excerpts for posts with Visual Composer content

  17. Layout

  18. CSS Files

  19. JavaScript Files

  20. Translating the theme

  21. Updating the theme and bundled plugins

A) Installing the theme - top

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For information in regard to installing the WordPress platform, please see theWordPress Codex.

You have two options for uploading the theme - to use FTP or upload tool in Wordpress admin.

1) Upload via Wordpress admin:

Open your Wordpress admin; Go to Appearance and choose Add New. Click Upload Theme. Upload the Goliath.zip. You can find the goliath.zip file by un-zipping the file yo downloaded from Themeforest. Upload only the Goliath.zip file. If you have a "missing stylesheet" issue, then you have not un-zipped the original file and you are uploading the wrong one!




2) Upload via FTP:

First you must unzip the file you downloaded from Themeforest. There you will find a file named Goliath.zip. Now unzip this file also. You should see a folder named "Goliath". Upload this to /wp-content/themes/ in your wordpress installation.


Once upload has finished, activate your theme in Appearance > Themes.

More info here.

Post thumbnails

If you are installing the theme on a WordPress site where you already have posts and pictures it is strongly advised that you regenerate thumbnails! That can be achieved with this plugin: Regenerate Thumbnails

B) Creating homepage and blog pages - top

Once activated Goliath will prompt you to create couple of default pages, among them - Blog and Homepage. If you click the link in prompt, these pages will be automatically created. They will be assigned as your new front page and posts pages. You can later edit these settings under Goliath > Visual editor > Static Front page.


C) Installing required plugins - top

Goliath relies on number of plugins for various theme features. Some are required - without them important theme features will not be available. For example, you need Attachments in order to have the galleries. Other plugins are just recommended - they provide extra functionality that the theme supports, but it is in no way essential. For example, if you don't need a shop, then you can avoid installing WooCommerce.

Installing plugins is easy. Right after you activated the theme a prompt will appear asking you do this. Click theBegin installing plugins link (see image below).


Now check all the required plugins and any of the recommended ones that you need. Then select Installand click the Apply button.


After all the plugins are installed, check them again and this time activate them.


D) Accessing theme settings - top

Open admin section for your wordpress blog. You can find it by typing your domain name + /wp-admin/. Once you have opened the admin, you have to click on "Goliath" at the bottom left corner of screen. There you will find theme settings.


Theme settings have 6 sections:

  • General settings - add logo, setup themes header, footer blog, post etc. settings.

  • Visual editor - edit visual settings. This takes you to wordpress theme customiser that allows you to change various colors, fonts and images and see the results immediately.

  • Advertisement - create and manage banners and google ads.

  • Sidebar Manager - Create new sidebars and assign them to different locations.

  • Backup & Reset - export your theme settings and import them into another instance of Goliath. This is handy when you are setting up the theme locally and publishing it later on a different server. Also allows you to reset theme settings to defaults.

  • Help & Support - view theme documentation and Planetshine support contact info.

Go to theme settings and open the General tab. There you will find section called "Logo". There you will see an upload field and alt text field. Click on the "browse" button and select your logo from your computer. Click save on the bottom of page and that's it! You should also provide an ALT text which will be show if your image ever fails to load on the front page.

Goliath has an awesome and powerful mega menu. It allows you to do all the same stuff that regular wordpress menus do, but it also provides the option to insert whole widgets in the menu. On top of that, we have created 4 special custom widgets that are designed only for this menu.

First, make sure that you installed Constellation Menuplugin that came bundled with the theme. Without this, the mega menu will not work.

Now head over to Appearance > Menus in wp-admin. If you don't already have one, create a new menu.


Make sure you check this menu as Primary menu and also select Use Constellation for this menu. Now save the menu.


Drag in the menu items you wish to have and save the menu again. Now when you open each of the items, you will have an option to enable mega menu dropdown for this item specifically. This will create a new widget block that you can add widgets to. After checking it, save the menu.


Now follow the instructions shown to you by the menu item and go to Appearance > Widgets in wp-admin. There you will find a widget block (also called "sidebar") called Menu Menu + [your menu items name].


You can drag any widgets in this block. The theme has 4 special ones that are suitable only for this purpose:


  • Goliath dropdown featured posts

  • Goliath dropdown post list

  • Goliath dropdown post tags

  • Goliath dropdown post categories

G) Setting up homepage - top

If you used the auto page install feature after activating the theme, Goliath will have created and set up a homapage for you. This page will be called "Homepage" and you can find it and edit it under "Pages" in your wp-admin. To create a homepage like the one seen in theme demo, Visual Composer plugin must be enabled!

Homepage layout is made with Visual Composer plugin (also included with Goliath for free, but normally has to be bought). It's a extremely powerful tool that allows you to build custom layouts by dragging and dropping elements. By default Goliath has already generated the content for you, but you can edit it easily using visual composer (learn more about Visual Composer here and check out the documentation here.)

If you allow the theme to automatically install the home and blog pages, then homepage will have the visual composer structure set by default. The only difference from demo site will be that all of the content blocks will display latest posts that will not be filtered by category. This way you can get a feel of the homepage with your existing posts.

H) Uploading sample content - top

To make things easier with initial setup, we have provided you with sample content that you can import in your wordpress site. It is located in the folder you downloaded from Themeforest. There you will find 4 files - everything.xml, galleries.xml, pages.xml and posts.xml. Everything.xml will hold all of the posts, pages, images, woocommerce products, bbpress forums etc. The other 3 will just contain posts, pages and galleries as indicated by their name. You can import it using wordpress admin. Go to Tools > Import. From the list select "Wordpress". Choose the aforementioned file and upload it.

I) Custom Visual Composer elements - top

Visual Composer (VC) is a powerful page builder plugin that's bundled with Goliath. It allows you to create awesome pages by dragging & dropping elements. Normally it's a paid extra, but with Goliath it comes for free. We have used Visual Composer extensively in the theme - even the homepage is built using it. To make it even better we created 12 custom Visual Composer elements that you can use in your site.

The custom VC elements are grouped in 3 groups - Homepage blocks, Post blocks and Banners.


1) Homepage blocks

There are 6 homepage blocks. These were used to construct the homepage of Goliath demo site, but they are not limited to it. They can be used for other pages as well. Each of the block specifies in what kind of area it is mean to work. For example, Mosaic can only be used when it is allowed to take 100% of the post width. Others require to be used in 2/3 of page width - typically that's the larger column in two column layouts.

  • Mosaic - 100% page width

  • Post Slider - 100% page width

  • Post List With Slider - 2/3 page width

  • Post List With Heading - variable width element (works best with less than 50% width)

  • Horizontal Post List - 2/3 page width

  • Latest Galleries - 100% page width

2) Post blocks

There are 3 custom post blocks and each of them serves a completely different purpose.

  • 2.1) Review Summary - display main pros/cons and marks of the product

This is an awesome tool for summarising your reviews - showing the main positives and negatives about the product. The positives and negatives have to entered in their respective text fields and each of the has to be in a separate line. The ratings are a bit more tricky. A Custom shortcode is used for this. For example to create a rating for design that's set as 1 out of 5 stars you have to enter this:

[rating title="Design" value="1" range="5"]


Once everything is set, this is how it looks in the frontend.



  • 2.2) Gallery post embed - create an embed leading your visitors to a gallery

This VC element is extremely easy to use - just select the gallery you want to embed in the select box and click to save the changes.



  • 2.3) Text block with navigation - split your text into navigable sections

The theme offers you to create floating navigation bar for your posts and pages. This navigation will follow the browser window as you scroll and display in which section of page your currently are. It can also be click to jump to certain section.


To create this, you need to split your text into sections. This can be done by using "Text block with navigation" VC element. Use this to construct your post's content. See the image below:


For the navigation to appear on the page, you first have to enable it. This can be done by checking in the "Show navigation bar" at the bottom of page editor.



3) Banners

Each of the main banner sizes has a custom VC element that you can use to insert a banner in a page. This is very useful, for example, for placing banners between homepage columns. The usage is extremely easy. Just select the size you want and select the banner in dropdown.


J) Shortcodes - top

In addition to numerous custom Visual Composer elements the theme has several text based shortcodes that you can user in cases when you need a simpler layout.


Default usage:
[button link="#"]Click me![/button]

Additional attributes:
[button text_color="#ff5732" background_color="#e7e7e7" icon="flag" link=""]Click me![/button]

Note: Theme uses fontawesome for all it's icon needs. To add an icon to button you have to enter the name of icon from fontawesome icon list. You need to enter only the part following "fa-".



Default usage:
[list type="check"]

Possible list types are:

  • check

  • hollow

  • plus

  • minus


Info box

Default usage:
[info_box title="Info box"][/info_box]

Additional attributes:
[info_box title="Info box" type="warning"][/info_box]

Possible box types are:

  • regular (default)

  • success

  • warning

K) Setting up and using Ads - top

Goliath provides all the necessary features for displaying custom banner ads and google ads on your site. Ads can be managed by going to Goliath theme settings page in wp-admin, then clicking "Advertisement" in the sidebar. Goliath supports 4 different ad sizes - 728x90px, 468x60px, 300x250px and 150x125px (group of 4). For each of the sizes you can create as much ads as you want - there are no limits.

Advertisement section has two sub sections - Manageand Locations. The Mange section is used to create, update and delete ads. Locations section allows you to assign these ads to any one of the predefined theme locations. On top of that you can also insert banners ads in sidebars using widgets, or in pages using visual composer content blocks made especially for the Goliath.

Mange section (see image below) is divided in sub sections according to ad sizes. For each of the ad sizes there is an existing default one that you can edit right away. You enable/disable individual ads, give them titles (useful when managing ad locations), upload banner image and set banner link. If you wish to use Google ad instead of regular banner, select "Type of ad" to beGoogle AdSense and then paste the Google AdSense code in the text field.

Below each banner size there is button "Add new image banner or Google AdSense". Click this to add a new ad for this size.


Each post has a checkbox that allows it to be selected as featured. These featured posts can then be displayed in blog sections independently from any categories and tags they may have.


In theme settings, at the blog section you can choose how to select the posts that will be shown as featured. The default method is to use the checked in ones, but you can also optionally select them by custom category.


If you have installed and activated the Wordpress Popular Posts plugin (it came bundled with the theme), the Goliath will mark the 5 most read posts in the last 7 days as "hot". This works by counting the visits each posts gets and finding the most popular posts. This plugin also enables the functionality of "Popular" section of Goliath Post Tabs widget.


N) Reviews - top

Goliath is very well suited for product review sites and it provides couple of special features that are specific to reviews. The most important feature is the ability to assign a one-to-five star rating to post. This rating will be displayed where ever the post get's displayed. You can do this by editing the post in question and selecting "Stars (for reviews)" value to anything other than "Disabled".

The theme will also automatically mark the review content in such a way, that will make it appear in Google search results as a review.


O) Galleries - top

Goliath offers the possibility to create photo galleries. That can be achieved by going to Galleries section in wp-admin and clicking "Add new" button at the top of the page

First set a title and description just like you would for any regular post or page. Then scroll down to Gallery section right below the description text field. Note: plugin Attachments has to be installed and activated for this to work!

Click the Attach images button and add any number of images either by selecting them from your WordPress media library or uploading them from your computer. Once that's done you can adjust the order of images and add captions where necessary.

If you have enabled "pretty" wordpress permalinks, then you can view the gallery by going to http:// YOUR_SITE_URL + /gallery/.



P) Excerpts for posts with Visual Composer content - top

Excerpts are the first 20-50 words of post that are shown on homepage, blog, search pages etc. These are normally generated automatically and you don't need to worry about them. However when using Visual Composer to build the layout of posts (not pages) the excerpt may not get generated. In these cases you have to set it manually. This can be achieved by doing the following:

  • 1) Click "Screen Options" in the top right corners of wp-admin.

  • 2) Check in "Excerpt"

  • 3) Close the Screen Options and scroll down till you see the Excerpt field

  • 4) Enter the excerpt text for this post and save.

Q) Layout - top

This theme has a Responsive layout with one or two columns (varies for different sections). It's based onBootstrap 3.2 and it's markup is structured according to bootstrap best practices. This theme has 3 different layout modes - normal (for 970px or wider screens), tablet ( for screens smaller than 970px ) and mobile (for screens smaller than 768px). Adjust your browser window size to explore them closer. Goliath uses lots of HTML5 and CSS3 features, so it will NOT support legacy browsers such as Internet Explorer 6, 7 & 8.

R) CSS Files - top

All the CSS files are located in theme/assets/css/ folder. Most of the theme's CSS is in main.css, but mobile design is specified in mobile.css and tablet specific design is in tablet.css. Additional stylesheets exist for the underlying bootstrap platform, but you should never edit these. Styling specific to WooCommerce is located in woocommerce.css; bbPress CSS is in bbpress.css file.

If you wish to edit the themes styling, it's best if you do this using WordPress child theme. That way you will simplify updating the theme in future.

S) JavaScript - top

All the Javascript files are located in theme/assets/js/ folder. This theme uses Jquery Javascript library and many plugins and custom built scripts. All the theme specific behaviour is written in theme.js and this is the only file you may ever need to edit.

It is comparatively easy to find what you need to edit in theme.js. Just open the file and look for init function. It initialises all other functions which you can recognise by the name.

T) Translating the theme - top

Goliath can be translated using the same tools and methods as the rest of WordPress - using POT language files. The language file for this theme can be found in languages folder in theme files. There you will find a file called default.pot

Once you have the POT file, you’ll need to open it in a program like POEdit, and translate the English language into your preferred language. When complete, you’ll want to save the file twice, as two separate files – a .po file and a .mo file. When you save the files, you must name them according to your country and language code. For example, the language code for English is en_EN, so you would save the translated files as en_EN.po first, then en_EN.mo. When that’s done, simply upload the files to your themes languages folder.

T) Updating the theme and bundled plugins- top

Updating theme

To update the theme, follow these steps:

  • Head over to Appearance > Themes in your wp-admin

  • Activate a different theme (for example twenty twelve)

  • Delete the current version of Goliath

  • Download the update from Themeforest and get the “goliath.zip” file. If you downloaded the “All Files & documentation” from Themeforest, then you need to unzip the archive file you received, the goliath.zip will be inside of it

  • Click on "Install themes" and upload the goliath.zip file.

  • Activate it and install updates for bundled plugins where necessary.

If you get a “Are You Sure You Want To Do This” message when installing update, it means you have an upload file size limit. Install the theme via FTP if this happens, or increase the PHP file update size limit.

Updating plugins

WooCommerce, bbPress, Contact Form 7 and other regular plugins can be updated using WP plugin section. However the premium plugins - Revolution Slider, Visual Composer, Constellation Menu can only be updated together with the theme. After installing a theme update you have to delete the plugin from your plugins section and install the latest version in the same way, you did it when you first activated the theme.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this



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