Get more traffic on your site within few days

Get more traffic on your site within few days

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Howady friends, today we are going to tell you a top secrete tricks to gain visitors on your site. Now a days most of the people know about website and they can also create it. Today era is about technology and internet. Internet works on website. If there is no website then how we can use internet. Website like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter , Wikipedia etc make our life easy and fast. Here Discovertricks is our site where we post free internet tricks, free recharge tricks , website tricks etc. But our website is not so large as facebook, google etc, we have to work hard for visitors. We try to post useful and interesting tricks and promote it , but it not enough we also try to make our post visible on search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex etc. So that if anyone search tricks on Search Engine , our post will also there and I am 100% sure few of them also visited to our site. We also take the help of Facebook for visitors.


Here I will give my own experience and knowledge to you, so that you can also make your website Hi- Fi. Follow my every activity, my every post style and writing skills . To use my way for visitors you should need some basic knowledge about SEO. SEO is Search Engine Optimization, you can understand it as SEO IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO VISITORS.


I will teach you about some SEO tools so that you can also enlarge your website. Our website always catch many visitors from Search Engine. And as I told you we also use Facebook for visitors. So let us start our tutorial.

Webmaster Tools-
Webmaster tools play a vital role for visitors. There are many Webmaster Tools but most common is Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools. These two are used by millions of website owner to promote their post on Google and Bing search engine. We use Bing Webmaster Tools, Google Webmaster Tools and Yandex Webmaster Tools only. Webmaster Tools easily crawl the post on search engine without paying anythings. But it has some limitations, you we can crawl only limited number of post something about 500, which is more than enough for us.

Many of my friends don’t know about webmaster tools so, only for them I would like to write about Webmaster Tools and How You can use it. Here I will give you a tutor for Google Webmaster Tools only.

Google Webmaster Tools is a no-charge web service provided by world’s largets website or search engine Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites.Tools provided by Google.

You can Submit and check a sitemap of your site.
Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about when Googlebot accesses a particular site.
Write and check a robots.txt file to help discover pages that are blocked in robots.txt accidentally.
List internal and external pages that link to the site.
Get a list of links which Googlebot had difficulty crawling, including the error that Googlebot received when accessing the URLs in question.
See what keyword searches on Google led to the site being listed in the SERPs, and the click through rates of such listings.
Set a preferred domain (e.g. prefer over or vice versa), which determines how the site URL is displayed in SERPs.
Highlight to Google Search elements of structured data which are used to enrich search hit entries .
Demote Sitelinks for certain search results.
Receive notifications from Google for manual penalties.
Provide access to an API to add, change and delete listings and list crawl errors.

Please Note that these tools only provided by Google Webmaster Tools not by Bing or Yandex. If you not able to understand above tools then don’t worry I am here only for you. Forget all these and now see below text, you will learn how to crawl post on search engine.

Step-1}. You have to signup on Google Webmaster Tools- Click Here to signup.


Step-2}. Prove your ownership of your domain. You can verify it many ways-

HTML file upload
Upload an HTML file to your site.
HTML tag
Add a meta tag to your site’s home page.
Google Analytics
Use your Google Analytics account.
Google Tag Manager
Use your Google Tag Manager account. See below screenshots-


Step-3}. After verification your dashboard look like something-


Step-4}. Click on domain——> Crawl—-> Fetch As Google.


Step-5}. Enter Post link in the Bar and fetch it . After few second it will be asked to SUBMIT INDEX. You just have to Click on SUBMIT INDEX and then a pop up appear Select Crawl and finally submit it.


Step-6}. Then click on submit url to index.

2. By Social Networking
You can also get visitors from social networking sites likes Facebook, Google plus, Twitter e.t.c. This is another best way to get traffic for your site. For getting traffic to your site you need to create a fan page for your site and get likes to your Facebook page. Also another social networking site google plus is good to get traffic for your site. My suggestion to you is try to get more followers on googe plus and focus on getting google plus visitors because if your followers will search for a certain keyword on google search then your site will be on first page of google for your followers that is why this is the best way to get traffic from Google. Try to get followers on other social networking sites also this will increase your site traffic also

You can also make groups on Facebook for your site. You need to join Facebook groups so that you can share your site each and every groups. From my opinion you should join that groups which do not required any Admin Approval.I will give a way so that you can share a post in all groups in a single click To do that follow the given steps

Step-1.} Open , it is my site so that it is 100% safe and working.
Step-2.}Now take your token and submit in the appropriate place.
Step-3.}On dashboard, you will see MULTIPOST, click on it.
Step-4.}Select all groups and enter your content , which you like to share in the given box.
Step-5.}And lastly subit it. Done!
3} Twitter and Instagram
You can also use Twitter and Instagram to get visitors. This are freely gifted so use it and increase you visitors. You can make a profile and share your username so that peoples can follow you. Increase your followers and update it daily. Many webmasters created profile on Twitter and Instagram but they do not update it daily. It is necessary to update your post .

4} Whatsapp
You use whastapp for chatting, file transfer etc. now use it for your site. You can create a whatsapp group, whatsapp broadcast list. You can see on my website, I put my whatsapp number. You cam also do it by HELLO BAR. or put your whatsapp number in every post for more response.

Write Irresistible Headlines
Write any post but always try to write some attractive title so that more people will attract towards your post when you share it on Facebook or crawl it on Search engine. It is a part of writing skills, do not ignore it.

Target Long-Tail Keywords
Long tail keywords must needed to boost up your post. It’s help to appear your post on search engine.

Exchange back-links
Exchange back-links with with other site and please avoid to put there link to your site because it divide your traffic.

Email Marketing
Email marketing is a revolutionary way to promote your site. If you are in a position then don’t ignore Email Marketing.

Advertising is a expensive way to increase traffic. You can use AdWord for advertising. You can also hire big website like us for advertising.

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