Top 10 Countries With The Highest Salaries In 2016

Earning high comes close to the top of most of our priority lists. Chances of us earning handsomely can drastically improve if we migrate to the countries listed below. The list is based on the OECD research that includes disposable income of single workers without children. The figures extracted below have been calculated after the deduction of taxes and transfers. Be on the lookout for your country! Without further ado, feast your eyes on 10 countries with the highest salaries in 2016.


. The United States of America

Average Annual Salary after Taxes-$portrait-of-the-united-states-of-america-flag-bob-orsillo_zps4716feaf-e144761682947341,355

When it comes to importing and exporting goods, America ranks first and second respectively. Although, there is a tax wedge of 31.6 percent, Americans don’t get health insurance like most of the countries mentioned in the list. They don’t even enjoy national paid parental leave. After the deduction of taxes, Americans enjoy an annual average disposable salary of $41,355

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