Technology is worn on the body

Technology is worn on the body44A0A114-51B5-46F9-A2E9-A3EAE9F58050_w300_r1_s
Daily electronic devices continue to evolve rapidly. Newer variants include glasses that magnify the reality around us. While the recording equipment of our sports activity already taking advantage of new options and not all men.

This device called Wonderwoof, the dog may be determined to have an idea about its movements during the day. Produced with attractive variety of colors, and carries away the master of being faithful all animal movements.

"The shows all activity of the dog and provides peace of mind when you are away from your pet," says Hobson company Annem Wonderwoof.

"Solos" are a pair of glasses that display data collected by bicycle and by the cyclist. Ernesto Martinez is the maker of glasses Solos.

"These smart glasses will give cyclists data collected in real time transmitting visually and vocally. The data for power, speed, rhythm, etc.. They will increase the effectiveness of training. "

Display Glasses "Solos" is high-resolution HD and clearly seen even in the sun. It has an integrated battery that lasts aerodynamic shape for six hours. Besides physical activity data, take the glasses of mobile location data via GPS and display SMS messages.

FitBit known firm has produced new intelligent clock FitBit Blaze, which aims to integrate as many options that people want to have, while deliberately left out some options offered by intelligent hours of other firms, such as Apple. FitBit focus on the aspect of physical exercises and time can be removed and placed to be used in another context.

"It is multi-purpose device. Can be removed from the belt and placed on another carrier to be transformed from a measurement exercise equipment in a device that accompanies you during the evening as accessory that will switch off the house, "says Daniel Shaw with Fitbit firm.

The company that produces the bracelet "Nex Band" takes things even further. Nex Band can be programmed by the person to perform different functions. Adam Delman is the manufacturer of Next Band.

"No need to be a programmer to adapt it to perform functions that by opening the door of the garage, check the music you want to hear, or to inform itself your friends that you are going home, or get news of last to your favorite sports team. "

Experts now think technology is worn on the body is helping people to ease their way of living

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