Ronda Rousey Apologizes For Posting Photoshopped Image That Made Her Arms Skinnier


Ronda Rousey, MMA fighter andgeneral badass, has apologized to her followers on Instagram for sharing a picture of her that had been photoshopped. The image was intended to promote her appearance on Jimmy Fallon and she didn’t notice the alterations until later.

As you can see from the side-by-side that she posted, her right arm was altered to look thinner. The wonders of Photoshop are of course a double-edged sword that can be used for good and evil. In this case it was closer to the latter, contributing to the debate over body image issues that athletes can face when they’re the subject of so much media attention

Rousey says that she won’t out the person who photoshopped the image, but it’d be tough to imagine that it was anyone but those who handle publicity for Fallon or Rousey.

From Instagram:
I have to make an apology to everyone - I was sent a picture to share on social for Fallon that was altered without me knowing to make my arms look smaller. I won’t say by who - I know it was done with severely misplaced positive intentions - but this goes against everything I believe and I am extremely proud of every inch of my body. And I can assure you all it will never happen again. I could not be more appalled and hope you all forgive me

It really does seem like an honest mistake on Rousey’s part, but as she said, whoever made the image had “misplaced positive intentions” to say the least.

 ET: Kinja user Sean Hodgins made this gif to show that it’s not just her arms that were manipulated:












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