Car Fair in Detroit


In 2009, the American car industry was on the verge of collapse. During the recession, the biggest since the economic Depression, Americans stopped buying cars. But the government financial aid saved some companies from bankruptcy, and now after 7 years, this industry echoes reflected in the International Fair of North America in Detroit.

The most important news from this year's fair in Detroit are not the cars themselves, but those companies have plans to install them. Auto expert Michael Caudill:

"Every company has brought in a technology fair integrated into cars. Since technology vetngarjes up to 3-D printing of the internal parts of the machine. "

Bill Ford Jr. Company chief executive of Ford.

"My grandfather changed the mode of transport in the world with the Model T. Today, in another era have the same chance with very different challenges before us."

Technology and thematic adaptation which were presented at the fair the company Ford. Mark Field, president and chief executive of Ford.

"Ford Intelligent adaptation is our plan to lead in the field of communications, mobility, independence, customer experience and analytical data."

Ford is testing independent machines in different weather conditions with hopes for driverless cars by 2020. Also, is opening stores worldwide where shoppers can get acquainted with new technologies it offers, including an application and rewards program for loyal customers.

Ford's efforts to keep customers interested comes at a time when sales in the US reached the highest point in 10 years. Michael Caudill explains the expert.

"The situation is good. Last year 11 percent increased sales of compact SUVs exceeding cars. Customers want cars at affordable prices. "

To meet the growing demand, has increased production in this hemisphere, explains Kevin Kerrigan Corporation of Michigan Economic Development.

"North America produced 17.5 million cars in 2015 and plans for 2016 were 18 million."

Most of the cars at the fair will be on the market, including larger machines, but they spend less, expert says Caudill.

"It maximization of kilometers to 10 liters of gasoline. The auto industry is working on how kilometers yield can be made with a tank. "

Today, the price of gasoline has fallen by about 60 cents a liter in many US states. But cars that consume less electricity and they dominate because according to Mr. Caudill fairs, car manufacturers do not have many alternatives.

"Car manufacturers have until 2025 to meet the conditions set by the government for higher yields of gasoline."

North American Fair for cars close on January 24th. US President plans to visit him on 20

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