The Best Google Adsense Alternatives For Your Blog – 2016 Edition
By:Harsh Agrawal In:Make Money online Last Updated:24/12/2015 (96 Comments)
When it comes to making money from a blog, Adsense is one of the best blog monetization programs available. I have already shared myAdSense earnings for five years, which will give you an idea of how much you can earn from Adsense.
Creating an AdSense account and getting approval is not an easy process, especially for a newbie blogger. The real problem emerges when Google bans your Google Adsense account!
The only solution is to start looking for some of the best Google Adsense alternatives.
The Adsense alternative ad networks mentioned below are not better than Google Adsense, but depending on your blog niche and site traffic, a few AdSense alternative programs like Viglink, Chitika and BuySellAds might give better earnings and results than AdSense.
You should be aware that Google Adsense is a contextual ad networking program while all the Adsense alternatives mentioned below are not contextual ad programs. For example, BuySellAds offers a direct advertisement platform, Infolinks is an in-text link program, and Viglink turns your outbound links into affiliate links.
We have already talked about whyAdsense is the best advertisement program for bloggers, and we followed up with a post on Google Adsense in the budding blogger’s blog.
Getting Google Adsense approval is a dream for bloggers. But if you fail to get approval or get rejected for some reason, don’t despair because this article will make you aware of many Google Adsense alternatives for earning money online.
Before choosing an alternative to Google Adsense, however, check out what kind of traffic you are generating on your blog.
Best Alternative to Adsense:
Note: I am continually updating the list with all the new monetization methods that I use as an Adsense alternative. So bookmark this page and keep coming back to learn about new blog monetization programs.
Infolinks is an in-text link ad network that has been a profitable blog monetization network for many publishers. Infolinks offers various types of advertisements that you can place on your blog. The most popular one is an in-text ads unit, followed by an in-frame ads unit. Signing up for Infolinks is easy, and they have a low minimum payment threshold.
Creare a free account on Infolinks
2016 is the age of native advertising, and if you are looking for an alternate way to earn money, you should start using native advertising. This type of ad can be placed anywhere around the content. The most popular placement is after a related post or in the blog’s sidebar. AyBoll offers native advertising, and it is easy to get started with AyBoll.
Ayboll displays native ads, and it is a premium CPA network. You will get paid for any action on the site, and the payout is huge. Their revenue split is high at 50/50, but considering the fact that they pay premium $ per sale, it’s worth trying out. Ayboll minimum payout threshold is $100, and the payment method is bank transfer or via Skrill. To place the Ayboll ad widget, you can use the Ad inserter plugin.
Create a Free Ayboll Account
Adversal offers features similar to Superlinks, and you need to have monthly page-views of 50,000 to apply. Minimum payout is $20, and after 35 days they pay at the end of the month. Payment modes arePaypal, Wire Transfer and ACH. It takes 3-4 days to get your application approved, and I suggest that you apply for both Superlinks and Adversal. Though Superlinks ads will pay more, it is also good to have another alternative option.
Apply for Adversal
BuySellAds is one of the alternatives to Google Adsense. As soon as you submit your blog to BuySellAds, it will automatically fetch up your blog stats which includes PR, Alexa Rank etc.
In order to get approval for BuySellAds, your site should have decent traffic. As soon as your site gets approval, you can set up an area on your blog for BuySellAds, and wait for advertisers to bid.
Subscribe on Youtube
- Also read : How to Get Your Website Approved by BuySellAds
Chitika is a CPC product-oriented program. I like Chitika for two reasons. First, it always places relevant ads based on the site content which helps you to get more clicks. Secondly, you can edit text color, URL color and border color to blend with your blog’s format. You can also choose their referral program earn extra income.
Create a free account on Chitika
Infolinks, a leader where in-text advertising is concerned, now offers various other advertisement options for bloggers. Now you can earn money from Infolinks using different ad types such as in-tag, which works like Google text link ads, or in-frame ads which will help you to make money from your blog’s unused space. It does not offer contextual ads like Google AdSense, but as an alternative to AdSense, Infolinks is highly recommended. You can use other ad networks with it to increase your blog’s revenue.
You can sign up for a free account over here.
Viglink is perfect for a blog which is linking out to a business or e-commerce site. The Viglink concept is quite different from all of the alternatives mentioned above, and with Viglink you can earn money by making affiliate sales.
Viglink works great when you have outgoing links to business or product pages such as fashion store or Amazon. Harsh has shared a great case-study of Viglink on a fashion blog.
Even if you don’t have outbound links but you are using money-related terms like Apple, iPhone or any other, Viglink will automatically add links to these words, and you will end up making decent money. What’s best about Viglink is that it’s incubated by Google and it is an SEO-friendly ad program.
Sign up for Viglink
Skimlinks :
Skimlinks is the best alternative to Viglink and it works in a similar manner. Skimlinks converts your outbound links into affiliate links, and you earn money whenever a sale occurs. You should choose between Viglink and Skimlinks based on the type of blog you have.
It is possible that you could end up making ten times your existing earnings with Viglink and Skimlinks, as they pay for affiliate sales and not for the click.
If you are looking to monetize your blogs, you should give Viglink or Skimlinks a try.
Create Free account on Skimlinks is the best alternative to AdSense in terms of ad types. is a contextual ad network by Yahoo! and Bing, and it offers high-paying ads. Moreover, the ad types involved are similar to AdSense, and if you have a quality blog, you are more likely to get approval in no time. You can check out the review of here and create a free account here.
AdEngage is an ad platform for publishers to sell direct ads. The minimum traffic requirement to get AdEngage approval is 1000 hits per day, and you can monetize an adult site with AdEngage. Minimum payout is $50, and you can be paid via PayPal, wire transfer or check.
These are just some of the best and most similar alternatives to Adsense. If your Adsense is disabled, the best way to cover the lost Adsense earnings potential is by using a combination of two or more ad networks. (For example, using Infolinks or Viglink along with contextual ads.)ich one of the above you have used and which ad program worked for you the most?
Check your domain ranking
Harsh Agrawal is a blog scientist and a passionate blogger. He is blogging since 2008 & writes about Blogging, SEO, Make money online & tech. His blog, ShoutMeLoud receives 1 million Pageviews/month and have over 700K subscribers.
Hey Shouter,
Welcome to award winning blog ShoutMeLoud. I'm Harsh Agrawal, a professional-blogger from New Delhi, India.I started ShoutMeLoud as a passion and now it's empowering more than 432,000+ readers globally and helping them to make money with their blog.
Here at ShoutMeLoud I write about Starting & managing a blog, WordPress, Social-media, SEO and Making Money online.
You can read more about me at About me page.
January 28, 2016 at 21:37
Nice post.. I regularly visit your blog… you’re inspirational undoubtedly….. Can you please say…what is the maximum CPM offered by Adversal? Thanks in Advance.
January 7, 2016 at 23:30
For smaller blogs I would recommend Chitika, but I really don’t like the way the ads look. The alternative to this is Media net, which you mentioned in this list. They have better designs, but still I am not a fan of contextual links because they require clicks, even though they say they pay by CPM. Infolinks makes blogs look too busy when they use the inframe and infold ads. As was mentioned in the comments, Bidvertisor serves low quality ads, so your site may be flagged as malicious, which is never good for search ranking and visitor trust. Just to add, I have tried each of these networks and currently have Media net on my site, but the results aren’t that good.
I also like Viglink and Skimlinks for smaller blogs, as affiliate commissions is really the way to start for newer blogs. I would highly recommend the alternative Prosperent. They offer unique publisher tools for WordPress blogs. I have included a write up discussing Prosperent in my name link (above).
My site has finally reached six months being online, so I plan to give Adsense a go here in the next few weeks. Going forward I will probably use Adsense in combination with Skimlinks and Prosperent.
September 28, 2015 at 20:23
Hello Harsh, I’m Balu
I used Clicksor for Advertising on my Blog. I collected the Amount of $53.16554. But there is no Payment Getting Option. I waited for few days for Payment Option. But I leaved it from Approx 4Monhts. Now I want to get Money.
I selected the Payment Method Through Check. Minimum Amount for Check is $50 is there. What Can I do now, I want to get my Money. Plz Help Me.
September 26, 2015 at 23:52
Harsh bro
Some of blogger considered revenueHits is a best Google adsense alternative. Please tell something about it?
September 12, 2015 at 20:22
Nice post but there is no BEST alternate for Google Adsense.
July 21, 2015 at 04:29
Thanks for the nice list. How about Amazon Associates? I noticed many sites using both Adsense and Amazon Associates. Does it reduce our income from ads? Do you have experience with Amazon Associates? Please give me more insights.
July 2, 2015 at 05:30
How grateful am I reading this articleThanks to let us know about high paying Google Adsense alternatives for our blog.There are no doubt that Google adsense is the world best Ad network for earn money from websites, but Google Giving strict policies My most favorite and highly paying advertising network is buysellads after Google Adsense.
July 1, 2015 at 06:34
anyone here using why i always got red warning malicious page when i add bidvertiser code? did you guys experience the same problem?
July 1, 2015 at 16:47
I heard the same from other publishers too. I believe it’s because of low quality ads.
August 12, 2015 at 18:34
I also got warning from google for bidvertiser ads.
June 26, 2015 at 11:08
Hi, I agree with meher, Infolinks is not for small publishers.
June 25, 2015 at 16:35
Which among them can co exist with adsense? Is it possible to run two different ad provider in one site?
June 19, 2015 at 16:50
For me personally is the one which provides better result next to adsense. Apart from this, i have used Infolinks which is very good (if you have huge traffic), and chitika also convert very well only for US and UK Traffic
Viglink is some what new and unheard, so i will give it a try..
June 16, 2015 at 00:39
Already got approval from Chitika ,But still thinking whether I should go for it or some better alternative if I am planning to apply it on a micro niche blog?Please help me out.
June 16, 2015 at 02:15
Don’t limit yourself to Chitika. Try other ad networks and see which one work the best with your micro niche blog. Since you are trying micro-niche blog, try monetizing with affiliate products.
June 15, 2015 at 01:38
For me Google Adsense have been the easy one. But, it is always good to know about other great alternatives.
I have used many of it as trials, and top three are Infolinks, Viglink and RevenueHits.
Nice list. :)
June 13, 2015 at 07:02
Thank you sir for sharing these alternatives. I found that Buysell Ads is one of the best alternative but as like Adsense they are also tough with their approval process. But, Adversal is performing well on my site, not as much as adsense but it is satisfying.
June 12, 2015 at 13:33
What about the website:, I am using it right now. I think its not much popular, what do you think about it?
May 11, 2015 at 17:24
Can I use Ayball and Adsense at same site and same page?
May 13, 2015 at 08:39
Yes, you can!
May 8, 2015 at 00:02
To be very honest, Infolinks is not good for small publishers. I am not earning a singly penny from them. But Bidvertisers and Adhexa are paying me more than $0.50 for 1000 views. They are best for small traffic websites or blogs.
May 8, 2015 at 01:05
I would recommend to you & for others to try more network, and figure out which one is working best for their blog type.
Not all blogs are the same!
August 23, 2015 at 04:48
Hi Harsh Bhai
I am creating new website. In that I am showing latest news(Egs -:Market News, World News, Blogs for commodities ,Expert Advice on buy selling Commodity and Forex,Article on Technology,Health,Food). Is there any changes of getting approved or do I have to add more contents. Can you please specify any other content if the contents I am showing is not worthy.
August 23, 2015 at 09:19
I believe it’s worthy of Adsense.
May 1, 2015 at 07:16
Thanks for the awesome list some networks were new for me I will give em a try.
April 22, 2015 at 00:47
Great alternatives of google adsense. It’s good to see that there are also other ways to make money without adsense due to it’s hard approval and strict TOS which we have to take care of certain things to stop
violating AdSense policies. However Adsense is the best advertising program to monetize any blog but if did’nt get approval or got banned from it then these alternatives are the best way to monetize any blog… of certain things to stop
violating AdSense policies .Thanks a lot for sharing. :)
April 14, 2015 at 16:14
I was using kontera & infolinks but did not work good for me as I am having less traffic. Google does not approve adsense account easily. Anybody has tried I was also using chitika but it works good with USA & Canada traffic only.
April 7, 2015 at 19:00
Google AdSense is the best though. Chitika Ads are ugly and I don’t believe anyone clicks on them. I have read of people who say that they immediately bounce on a site using infolinks because they can be annoying if the publisher set max number of links per page.
April 6, 2015 at 19:05
will try the chitika since i was banned by google adsense
April 4, 2015 at 11:47
it is very good knowledge based artical. but google adsense has no any alternative for small publishers specially Indian Blogger.
It is very disappointing thing when you lost Adsense Account. and google doesn’t give u another chance. he bans you for lifetime.
small publisher has no other alternative programs.
April 1, 2015 at 13:54
As a new blogger, it is quite tough to get Adsense and that’s why people go for Infolinks, Chitika and Many of them love Buysellads also. But I have never heard of Superlinks. I think it will more helpful for my blog. The reason behind that sometimes BuysellAds, not approves
websites which have the requirements. Thank you for this great article.
March 8, 2015 at 19:39
Hi Harsh,
Good list of Google Adsense alternatives, I have a bad luck when it comes to Google Adsense.
and i want to know which one is best for “programming blogs”
Thanks for sharing alternatives of Google list.
January 29, 2015 at 17:18
I agree that Google Adsense is the best revenue advertising program but I really don’t agree that it’s the best of all. Adsense has VERY strictly rules and may ban you even if you didn’t do anything to get that ban and the worst thing is, you cannot appeal (you can but you won’t get your account back).
Infolinks- this is probably the worst advertising media, it has ONLY facebook ads and they are really untargeted that’s why I really don’t recommend this media, really bad.
Adsense wins if you can have your account.
January 25, 2015 at 12:39
I read many articles about google adsense alternatives and not all were helpful. Most of them just recommended Infolinks, Chitika and Some of them were in support of Buysellads also which i really think is useful. But i never heard of Superlinks. This is very helpful article because BuysellAds not always aprroves websites which have the requirements. Now as you mentioned about Superlinks, i will definitely go for it.
Thanks for such an amazing article.
January 13, 2015 at 18:08
In some cases, many bloggers and marketers want to know some top paying or high-paying adsense alternatives.
It’s easier said than done to pass over Google Adsense’s qualifications, some were banned and it’s like a horror story for them. Since there are alternatives and we know not all knows that there are other ways to make money even without Google Adsense, this article will open their mind and give them hope.
Affiliate marketing is one of the best and I want it to put forward. I also like Chitika, it is painless to use and applying is uncomplicated.
January 11, 2015 at 02:25
Guys I have one query , I am running just a month old blog which I assume is a Niche Blog,should I go for adsense alternatives.? Harsh have mentioned that there should be lakhs or thousands of visitors per month for adsense alternatives,though I am getting traffic but not that much. Looking forward to get some useful suggestions.
December 27, 2014 at 15:24
That’s really a time saving Article for adsense alternatives. But Harsh Initially when my Google Adsense is approved then CPC was around 11 INR but now its 4 INR. why it decreases and how to increase CPC. Please Help me Harsh. Thank You
December 29, 2014 at 12:32
If you have majority of traffic from India, your CPC will usually low. A good solution to overcome low CPC issue is by targeting high CPC keywords. My suggestion would be to target audience from countries like U.S. and U.K. Here is a good article that you should read to learn the technique of getting high AdSense CPC:
December 23, 2014 at 01:21
To be quite honest, there is no AdSense alternative. All you can say is that if you can’t use AdSense then there are some other services that can be used but not as an alternative. I’ve tried almost all of them and no other advertising program pays like AdSense does.
November 26, 2014 at 17:11
I was using chitika since long time and i also made good money from it but since 2 month chitka ads are only visible to US and CA people. for rest all world chitika not showing ads on my blog..
I know its target based advertisement concept but earlier all time ads were there but not now..
is there nay change ?
also suggest program for low but quality traffic publishers
November 19, 2014 at 21:46
Thanks Harsh for sharing this post. I just wanna know your reviews on amazon affiliate program.I have read many times about people earning a lot from it. But, I have noticed that its just only penny part of your total online income.
September 20, 2014 at 22:13
After 3 rejections, finally I have an approved Adsense account and seriously having higher CPC than any alternatives.
September 6, 2014 at 00:04
Hello Harsh Sir,
Although I have got my adsense approved successfully but one thing I always wanted to know briefly was that do these alternatives pay more than Google Adsense?
August 22, 2014 at 09:59
Harsh, can I use Superlinks and Adversal both at the same time on my blog to generate revenue ?
August 19, 2014 at 17:39
Harsh i tried for my blog but they are not approved my please help me or how to get approval.
Thanks in advance
August 21, 2014 at 05:25
Refer to this post and also go through the comments. You will find many insight and input on getting approval :
August 23, 2014 at 15:39
Thank you so much Harsh.i will let u know
August 17, 2014 at 20:06
Why not I should focus on Affiliates options rather than adsence and related programs. If I have a site which has like 50,000 relevant page views that I won’t even thing of ads and focus on ROI via better engagement on the site….
What would u suggest Harish??
August 15, 2014 at 12:35
Google Adsence is the best revenue sharing ads policy but, the only fear using Google Adsense is that it can unapprove you any time. U are unsecured with Adsense. Can we get the money back if we get approved back?
August 16, 2014 at 21:20
Once you account is banned, all your current income will be void. A good suggestion is to opt for monthly check-out. If your account tis temporary blocked, in that case I believe your unpaid income will be paid.
August 15, 2014 at 10:15
What about blogads? Many of us really don’t know about using it since many years. But it’s a premium. So that’s why anyone doesn’t talking about it. Nice share harsh. Wish you all a very happy independence day. Peace and god bless you.
August 16, 2014 at 21:19
I had a look at BlogAds and seems like they are not so active anymore. No recent publishing on Social-media sites and no news from them for long. Hard to recommend any such network here.
August 15, 2014 at 01:09
Infolink and Kontera are simply waste of resources. Since last 2 years I am using both of them and made $0.02 and $3.01 respectively :( .
Now trying with chitika on my site and Viglink on another site.
August 16, 2014 at 21:21
Could you give me more info about your revenue here. I would especially like to know how much impression you have given (Page views) and how much revenue you generated out of it.
August 14, 2014 at 19:08
Harsh How good is in terms of Payment? What is the payment method? You haven’t added bidvertiser.
August 11, 2014 at 23:51
Thanks for this nice post Harsh :) .
Currently I am only using Adsense on my website. I want to know if I can use BuySellAds with Adsense on it.
Thanks in Advance.
August 11, 2014 at 23:46
Nothing compares to Adsense, when getting banned is a nightmare.
Great list of alternatives, SuperLinks is trending, I see they advertise on major top IM related webistes including shoutmeloud. Nice!
August 11, 2014 at 22:20
Excellent adsense alternatives. I am trying Viglink but so far has not worked for me. Perhaps the traffic needs to be from the USA.
August 11, 2014 at 21:59
All the above mentioned alternatives are great,But i don’t think anyone of them will pay as good as Google adsense pays still Adbrite, bidadvertiser and info links are good for the newbie bloggers.
Thanks for the list and share.
August 11, 2014 at 21:52
After having adsense ad serving disabled on my prized website, I went without monetization for 6 months while receiving at least 2500 unique visits per day. I wish I had read this article when it was first published so I could have been using clicksor for August traffic. This article is very informative and useful. Thank you for writing and sharing this
August 11, 2014 at 19:30
Hello Harsh,
I started a tech blog around 4 weeks back and I had around 1200 visitors as of now. I’ve leaked data on many gadgets like the htc nexus 8 before most of the other prominent sites. But the problem is there are some non unique content too. I need option for monetization so that I can buy a custom domain. Infolinks rejected and chitika is not showing up their ads. Please give me any other option.
August 11, 2014 at 19:19
Hello Harsh,
I’ve a tech related blog which gives you the latest leaks, tricks, hacks and other news going on in any tech industry.I’ve published quite a lot of leaks faster than most sites do. my blog is around 4 weeks old and as of now it has around 1200 visitors.But the problem is there are some non unique content too and hence i’m not finding monetiztion options. How can i monetize my blog without much difficulty so that i can even buy a domain and add more widgets??I’m a 17 yr old starter. I applied for chitika , but couldnt find ads on my blogs after embedding their code. Infolinks didn’t approve. So where shall i start for direct monetiztion?
August 11, 2014 at 18:22
Nice article Harsh! Actually I have tried all of them as Google Alternatives But The truth is that no one compete with Adsense at all. Adsense has more cpc and cpm rates than others. So, Finally I stick with Adsense and made some decent money from them.
August 11, 2014 at 17:40
Nice compilation Harsh. Some of the ad networks mentioned by you here are new to me. Post bookmarked. Gonna check out very soon :-)
August 11, 2014 at 17:16
Hi Harsh,
What are the traffic requirements for , I mean how much monthly traffic they require in order to approve publisher application. I have already asked this question :(
August 11, 2014 at 12:43
According to my perspective Infolinks and Superlinks are finest ways to maximize your revenue as @Harash said above article. Thanks for useful sharing.
August 11, 2014 at 12:01
Hello Harsh,
Thanks for providing the lists of Google AdSense alternative Programmes. Presently I am using infolink, Chitika on my blog. But I will definitely take the advantages of the rest in future.
Thanks & Regards,
August 11, 2014 at 11:26
Hi Harsh,
Good list of Google Adsense alternatives, I have a bad luck when it comes to Google Adsense. Though I have applied for Adversal.
Thanks for sharing alternatives of Google list.
August 5, 2014 at 17:23
Ad-sense is better but i am recommending you for join affiliation.
Because affiliation can give more money than advertisement
August 5, 2014 at 18:40
You are absolutely right about Affiliate is more profitable than AdSense. Though affiliate works best when one have a niche blog and targeted audience. Read my view point on Affiliate Vs. AdSense:
August 11, 2014 at 06:52
However, If you want to earn a decent income via affiliate at first, gaining the trust and authority is very important until using adsense is good idea.
August 4, 2014 at 04:19
I have had a very good read through here and there is some fantastic information.
I personally use Infolinks and Qadabra them seem to be doing a pretty good job although i have found sometimes Qadabra sometimes an annoying popup comes up on your screen about flash player has stopped working and your screen freezes for at least 15 seconds maybe just me i don’t know but all the same they seem pretty good so far.
March 27, 2014 at 12:26
I will be honest – I ditched ClickBank and AdSense altogether from my blog….reason being there are too many merchants who’s products and services either get banned or leave ClickBank and as for AdSense, it gives visitors to your website another route to click and leave your site. If you have affiliate programs and products already on your site, you are guaranteed to make more money with them than through AdSense, unless your are driving some serious traffic. As for InfoLinks, it just looks spammy and the keywords and ads that appear are not targeted most the time. I personally say just do away with ads and ad networks and focus on affiliate programs to monetize your blog that have one or few solid products to offer, because like I mentioned, you will make more money that way.
February 14, 2014 at 23:12
I am disappointed from google adsense because they have denied my approval request saying that adsense crawler was unable to review the website. Even the adsense forum can’t help me in sorting this i am looking for other alternatives. can anyone suggest me the best alternatives to adsense? Should i go for chitika,buysellads and infolinks or any other?
February 15, 2014 at 18:11
If you have traffic from U.S, you should try which is a good alternative. (Review)
If you link out to money pages on other sites (Ex: Amazon, iPhone Apps and so on), you should tryViglink which is great.
Do try them and let me know which one works for you..
July 30, 2013 at 00:46
i found infolinks as the best alternative to Google adsense ,currently i am using it and having good results with them. As my blog is only 4 months old and it has only 1000 unique visitors a day and therefore i still not applied for Google adsense though i will try them later with few more visitors.
can you please add some reviews about Indian ad networks, i want to try any Indian ad network to my blog as it has around 75% traffic from India. I have heard about some Indian ad networks like Admaya and AdsforIndians but i have found very bad reviews about them and therefore i am bit confused whether to try them or not .
Thanks for a great post …
keep posting ………
January 13, 2013 at 20:04
Adsense is still the best. Many people tried to earn quick money by putting multiple ad networks, result, Google ban most adsense accounts. Don’t judge it by high traffic sites like Shoutmeloud or any other websites who are oldie enough and getting high traffic. If you are new and 100 or less unique visitors every day, try to improve the blog rather go for earning channels. Lots of complain regarding Google adsense banned account have been already registered in Adsense forum. Adbrite is one prevalent channel, another one is infolink..moreover, infolink text ads are quite irritating, its like reading ads rather info.
October 1, 2012 at 19:27
I don’t think they pay as good as Google pay. These alternatives are useful to only those who does not have the Google AdSense. And those alternative Generate very low earnings.
May 14, 2012 at 05:21
I am also using infolinks. yeah it is really nice but adsense is far better.For those whose adsense account has been disabled infolinks is an good option. All you need is good traffic and worthy content.
Thanks for sharing !
April 26, 2012 at 17:00
No doubt that there are many adsense alternative available such as CPM and CPC as well is also good.As far as Chitika is concerned I have had an experienced that there payout is too minimum and even if you have traffic there payout is really to poor and the worst is that that there ads does not show in many third world countries
July 16, 2011 at 00:39
Earlier i was get paid by admaya,adsforindians,and adhitz.
but i they had not satisfied me because their per click pay is too less around 0.02-0.03 $ per click only.
now Iam searching for something better.
May 10, 2011 at 22:12
Adbrite and bidadvertiser is best for the new site owners , but buysell ads policies cannot accomodate new site owners , unless they have good pageviews…..affiliate programs are also other methods which may be useful for new site owners….
March 4, 2011 at 19:06
Hey thats a Nice List about Adsense Alternatives. And i Really Appreciate your work. Well you have not included Bidvertiser and i use this along with Adsense. i have created a Site about Hacking, Adsense and Seo and much more. i Would Like to know that which paid ad program should i choose as a new comer………………
Hope I will Recieve a Helpfull and Needed Answer From you.
Harry Sehgal
November 28, 2010 at 10:05
for me adbrite workrd better than bidvertiser
November 17, 2010 at 10:49
goodle adsense is head and shoulders above the rest…infolinks rates just seem to keep getting lower and lower for me
October 20, 2010 at 12:49
Because I was banned in Adsense, I am trying to find alternatives. I am currently using infolinks however the earning is low.
Just an advice, don’t use Clicksor. They have annoying pop-ups that could make your site banned in search engines.
August 5, 2010 at 02:23
Thanks for the article,
Would like to read the Detailed explanation on eCPM,CTR etc in Google Adsense on your farther article.. so that it would help people like me startups also who read this article and need some follow up to improve…
March 21, 2010 at 23:32
I had been using 4 options since 1 year. I never use Buysellads programs but about easy money. You can’t left adsense. Chitika pays only when someone click from U.S. or U.K.
Kontera didn’t pay much like adsense.
Infolinks what to say sometimes they didn’t pay of clicks. And sometimes they pay 10 cent on 15 click. Now what is the calculation ?
And about Adbrite, You can find there ads many time then any other advertisement.
If you are thinking for easy money. Adsense is a best way to make. But i feel to left it. It sucks.
March 21, 2010 at 07:03
I have tried all of them but only Chitika Premium help me generate more money, the other like BSA did not help much. Thanks
March 20, 2010 at 15:14
I agree these are the leaders in the Advertising networks…but does anyone know which network I can use along with Adsense .. ;) as a second source of revenue?
March 20, 2010 at 15:16
And ya leaving Infolinks and Chitika…I already used them
March 19, 2010 at 17:28
I just don’t understand why you suggest in-text ads like infolinks and kontera next to Adsense. Though those are still under CPC program, but I think it’s better to suggest programs similar to Adsense like that of Bidvertiser and Adbrite. After all, Adsense is still the best when it comes to CPC. Anyway, thanks for this post.
March 19, 2010 at 20:59
I think infolinks is next big to adsense. Still it pays really low. But when you have lot of traffic you get decent from infolinks. Some times we get really well in infolinks too. and bidvertizers has no related ads except make money. etc..
March 18, 2010 at 20:01
I would personally recommend first 3. They are the best alternative to adsense.
BuySellAds is a great ad network but it could improve itself much more if they reduce their percentage share though I agree they are helping to bring advertisers to the blog from their directory but still I would recommend them some decrease in their percentage share.
InfoLinks is really Best. I don’t have much words to say about it. It really Rox.
Chitika is a good alternative only if you have good amount of US search visitors but I think there had been some changes by the introduction of Chitika Select..So things might improve more with that technology.
Never gave much time to Kontera on my blog for monetizing..So can’t comment on it.
Would never recommend Adbrite..It’s CPC sux like hell..May be good for forums(porn,warez especially)..
March 18, 2010 at 16:39
In my experience, there is no alternative in the real sense of the word to Google Adsense. Why?
Adbrite 90% of the time displays Advertise Here. Their network of advertisers is very limited.
Kontera has a wonderful talent of slowing your site down to a crawl. And you need virtually millions of clicks to make the minimum payout.
Infolinks also requires you have millions of clicks to make anything worth calling money.
Chitika is cool, but I am getting disillusioned with their prices. There are times when I get 8 clicks for a value of $0.06!
I have not tried BuySell ads yet. So IMHO, Google Adsense simply has no alternative for small to medium scale blogs. If you have an account there, safe guard it well and play by Google’s rules.
You will be glad you did! Thanks!
August 12, 2014 at 00:26
Couldn’t agree more. I believe Google has a very good profit sharing policy. If I am not mistaken, Google share 90% of the profit with publisher.