Aliens may have visited: Shock Hillary Clinton claim as she vows to open 'UFO cover up'
US PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Hillary Clinton has vowed to disclose all the US Government knows about unidentified flying objects and aliens if she makes it into the White House.
12:33, Mon, Jan 4, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:50, Mon, Jan 4, 2016
Will Hillary Clinton discover if the truth is out there?GETTY
Will Hillary Clinton discover if the truth is out there?
The Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said she also wants to open up on what is happening at the mysterious Area 51 military base in Nevada, where UFO conspiracists believe evidence of alien technology is hidden away.
Clinton claimed she would “get to the bottom” once and for all of questions and controversy over what the US Government does or does not know about the mysterious subject.
For years conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists have claimed that various governments have evidence of alien visitations and that they have been withheld from the public amid fears over the potential impact on religion and the rule of law.
The great UFO cover-up debate has rumbled on since the 1940sGETTY
The great UFO cover-up debate has rumbled on since the 1940s
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Clinton has long had the support of the UFO movement for previously showing more than a passing interest in the topic.
But now she has cemented her stance on the view so no one among the so-called UFO disclosure movement is in any doubt when they go to the ballot box.
Responding to questions about UFOs from a reporter during an election interview in New Hampshire, she said: “Yes, I am going to get to the bottom of it.”
Clinton even admitted that she realises Earth may have actually been visited by extraterrestrials.
She went on to say she would try to set up a task force to investigate goings on at Area 51, where UFOers claim the remains of the alleged 1947 Roswell flying saucer crash in New Mexico and alien bodies were taken.
Will Hillary succeed where husband Bill Clinton appeared to fail?GETTY
Will Hillary succeed where husband Bill Clinton appeared to fail?
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I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.
Hilary Clinton
Clinton and husband former president Bill Clinton have allegedly tried to force disclosure of UFO files before, but even when the latter was in the White House it did not fully happen.
Bill Clinton allegedly met billionaire Laurance Rockefeller at his ranch in Wyoming in 1995 where they held discussions on the “Rockefeller Initiative” to secure release of all previously classified UFO files.
In 2007, Hillary Clinton acknowledged that among the top freedom of information (FOI) requests her husband received as president were requests related to UFO and alien disclosure.
Hillary Clinton wants to release any confidential UFO files the US authorities may be hidingGETTY
Hillary Clinton wants to release any confidential UFO files the US authorities may be hiding
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Bill Clinton once admitted while president he did investigate claims about Area 51, but said although "stealth technology" was developed there, “there were no aliens.”
Hillary Clinton added in the new interview: "I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.”
In 2014 her campaign chairman John Podesta said his biggest regret during his time as top adviser to President Barack Obama was not securing release of classified UFO files.
Referring to Mr Podesta, Mrs Clinton said, “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have a task force go to Area 51.”
The top 15 early UFO sightings
Mon, July 13, 2015
Although many UFO sightings often have rational explanations, a small number truly are unexplained. Here's our pick of the most compelling early UFO sightings from all over the world.
UFO 1927
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This UFO sighting in Cave Junction, Oregon, is believed to have been captured on camera by a volunteer fireman, back in 1927 [PH]
UFO California
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Just months after the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1942, unidentified flying objects were heard and seen in the sky over Los Angeles, California [PH]
UFO Oregon
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Taken by Paul Trent in Oregon, USA, in 1950, this is one of the most famous UFO photographs ever taken [PH]
UFO Scotland
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A photograph of an unidentified flying object taken in Scotland in 1947 [PH]
UFO Illinois
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Reportedly taken by part-time photographer Dean Morgan, this image shows an unidentified flying object in the sky over Redbud, Illinois, 1950 [PH]
UFO 1947
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This alleged UFO photograph was taken in Czaplinek, Poland in 1947. The photographer is unknown [PH]
UFO Ohio
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Taken in St Paris, Ohio, in 1932, this picture of George Sutton shows an unidentified flying object in the background [PH]
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This photograph was taken in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1949, by Norwood Police Sgt. Leo Davidson [PH]
UFO Mount Washington
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Taken at Mt Washington, New Hampshire in 1870, this photo is understood to be 'the oldest UFO photograph ever taken. In 2002, it was auctioned on Ebay and sold for $385 [PH]
UFO New Jersey
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On the morning of July 10, 1947, John H. Janssen, editor of the Daily Record, spotted six luminous, spherical craft with hazy rings around them flying in a trail high in the sky above Morristown, New Jersey [PH]
UFO England
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Little is known about this photograph, other than that it was taken somewhere in England in 1944 [PH]
UFO China
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This photograph shows an unidentified flying object spotted in the sky over Tiensten, Hopeh Province, China, in 1942 [PH]
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This photo was taken by Edward Pline at a sawmill in Ward, Colorado, in 1929. As he was taking the photo, Pline described hearing a 'terrible, thunderous bellow' and seeing an object floating in the sky [PH]
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Guy Marquand, Jr. took this photo of what he descibed as a 'flying saucer' on a mountain road near Riverside, California, on November 23, 1951 [PH]
UFO Arizona
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William Rhodes of Phoenix, Arizona, described seeing a disk circling the area at sunset in July, 1947 and captured this photograph [PH]
UFO 1927UFO CaliforniaUFO OregonUFO ScotlandUFO IllinoisUFO 1947UFO OhioUFOUFO Mount WashingtonUFO New JerseyUFO EnglandUFO ChinaUFOUFOUFO Arizona
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Yeah, and officials in area51 are going to say, there are no aliens here and Roswell was just a hoax, as they have always said. So whats new? Remember the British government did it years ago, and 99% of incidents were hoaxes or were proven to be. Strange lights in the sky can come from blips, aircraft looking alien under certain atmospheric conditions, etc.
Reply 0
The Aliens visited Hilary to enjoy her cigars..........a present from her husband
Reply +1
Anything is possible,but you will not get it from Clinton, she is after the alien vote
Reply +1
so a new target for the cia if they took jfk out for wanting the ufo files.
Reply 0
Friends in space revisited ITV playhouse 1981.Well we can batter our selves with the lorentz transformation , but even if space contracts to one point our space ship still runs out of diesel,So we've got to start thinking the speed of thought or the aliens come out the the tv screen from another dimension(worm holes nah) like the film the ring.Over to you Gary hack us the answer? Because we won't get from Hilary
Reply 0
Omnipotent Wizard
"...Hillary Clinton said she also wants to open up on what is happening at the mysterious Area 51 military base..."
The UFO nuts are going to be SO disappointed.
Reply 0
Bob Lazar may disagree.
Reply 0
For all the people that mock the subject of UFO's, I can only assume you've not spent any / much time looking into the subject, there is a vast amount of material to suggest that we are being visited by some species of superior intelligence. There are many scientists, government officials, pilots and many more credible people that believe some extraterrestrial intelligence is engaging the human race, it will come out one day.
Reply +3
They are not going to engage with the Daily Express
Reply 0
Omnipotent Wizard
"...there is a vast amount of material to suggest that we are being visited by some species of superior intelligence. " But only on THOSE websites.
Reply 0
So are you totally disregarding The Cometa Report then?
Reply +1
Unfortunately for those that have seen this stuff with their own eyes they face a HUGE opposition to disclosure that includes pretty much any organisation with self interest in maintaining denial and non disclosure. Add to that the ridicule of the MSM, then those UFO observers, abductees etc become like children who desperately tell someone that they are being sexually abused by family members, friends or people in authority but are never listened to because so and so couldnt possibly have done that..... Where is the proof.
Whether you believe in this stuff of not, if you havent seen it yourself, try listening to those that say they have. At best they are just someone needing you to listen, at worst they have seen something that may not touch your life but is no less real.
It's easy to say an intelligent race would land on the WH lawn saying take me to your leader, but if their technology is so far advanced of ours that they can travel light years to our (and maybe other planets) then we have to credit them with the intelligence to choose to avoid detection or have reason to stay out of our focus. Earth has plenty of issues, how would they (or we if in same position) chose which country to land i 1st?
Reply 0
Stephen Harrison
Yup All The Elite are Aliens.
Reply +1
Anything for votes.
Reply +2
She can promise all she likes but she won't get the information because its classification is WAY above the office of POTUS. Bill Clinton promised the same when he was in office but was given nothing. Jimmy Carter promised the same thing to voters but never released anything - but not through the wont of trying. Same thing with Gerald Ford. The only Presidents who WERE briefed about them were Eisenhower - whose farewell address warned Americans to "beware the military industrial complex " because he learned the hard way how far down the chain of command the office of President really was when it came to things that fell under "black ops", Ronald Reagan who seemed to have been well briefed but didn't release anything publicly and, of course, Bush Snr - who was the most in-the-know of the lot of them since he'd been Director of the CIA and was probably near the top of the tree to know everything that was going on. In fact, Bush Snr's closest advisors are the ones sitting alongside near the top of the tree - people like Rumpsfeld, Cheney and Kissinger. When the day dawns that "full disclosure" is data-dumped across MSM media and the Internet, you can take it to the bank that Bush Snr and his cronies will be up for arrest for the heinous things they've done and continue to do to this day. But in the meantime, Hilary can dream on if she thinks SHE is going to get ANYTHING from the people way above her on the totem pole. They'll squash her like a bug.
Reply +3
I wonder if Hillary wants to find out if the aliens have invented a locking ZIP.
Reply +1
Western Civilisation
The old hag is getting desperate. And even if she tried to spill the beans on this most highly classified subject, she wouldn't live to see the results?
Reply +4
Politicians never tell the truth.
Reply +3
We already know they have landed,disguised them selves as politicians to enslave us earthlings
Reply +1
A load of garbage really, not so sure of politicians though
Reply -1
Why would Hillary lie about this? I also read some e-mails which were in her e-mails which are also posted in this news article. This was also discovered in her e-mail scandal. Or haven't you been paying attention?
Reply -1
It's what she does.
Reply +1
Wish they would take her away for good. America would be cleaner !
Reply +1
Obama is an alien for starters.
Reply +2
Don't you just love these politicians . They always try to bribe and bluff people in return of their vote . Vote for me and I will do this . How many times have we heard our lot say the same . Camoron is the biggest U-turn traitor that has walked . Promising the world , And as soon as they are elected they go back to the same old ways of giving you nothing . She will do the same , This info or any info should be disclosed about anything and everything free of charge . Not held in the closet until they need it to bribe you with . She just said IF there is anything . She is just like the rest . A traitor .
Reply +1
I'd trust a crouched snarling Tiger, before I'd trust her
Reply +1
Desperate women seeks conspiracy nut vote. America must be full of them. There will be a run on Bacofoil hats!
Reply +2
Clinton offered to do the same but once he was elected and informed of what they know he claimed there was nothing
Reply +2
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read a "theory" that says JFK was due to say the same thing after he returned from Dallas in '63
Reply +5
yes you are wrong.
Reply -2
OK so elsewhere on this site there's a story that says the same thing - you still think I'm wrong?
Reply +3
New shock claim JFK was 'murdered by CIA' days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit
Find this story & read it
yes...this is the DE.
Western Civilisation
JFK was murdered because he wanted to shut down the CIA and the American Central Bank (Federal Reserve Bank). The 'cabal' wasn't going to let him do it!
Reply +1
What a joke Hilary Clinton is this says it all. Never in the arena of World politics was so much owed by so many to the One. Donald Trump the greatest politician to grace our shores since Winston Churchill Knights Templar. Heard in the world's greatest newspaper displaying the Crusader.
Reply +3
collon mellie
Have you been smoking C R A C K ? not the stuff about the knights templar, the worlds greatest newspaper bit gave you away.
Reply 0
They are called the religion of peace and have landed everywhere.
Reply 0
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